You think you know someone

616 15 2

Tucker is screaming, flying through the desert on his vehicle until he crashes.

Tucker: Shit.

Pans out to Caboose and Sarge.

Caboose: Cannon's charged.

Sarge: Okay, screw it, shoot 'em.

Caboose blows up the Mongoose. Tucker casually rolls out of the cave.

Tucker: Uh, hey guys. Sorry about that.

Caboose: Tucker, where did you get that?

Tucker: Oh, this is my ride! The aliens gave it to me as a gift. Pretty freakin cool.

Grif: Did they give you driving lessons too?

Tucker: No, we kinda skipped that part. But it looks awesome.

Thea: Your gonna suck at driving that.

The scene now moves to C.T. as he's pursued by some of the aliens. He collides with one of them.

C.T.: Ahh! Move, you piece of shit!

The alien crashes into a pillar, losing C.T. He goes to look for him. After a short while, C.T. honks his horn and rams into the alien's vehicle, destroying it.

Caboose: There he is.

Tucker: You guys follow him. I'll cut him off.

Caboose: We can't lose Church.

Tucker: We won't!

Caboose: You always say that, but we always do!

Thea: We won't this time!

They all split off. Scene cuts to Simmons.

Simmons: Godammit, it won't start.

Lopez: Probablemente sacó el motor de arranque. Eso es lo que yo haría.[He probably took out the starter. That's what I would do.]

Shawn: Same.

Simmons: Hmm, it looks like he took out the starter.

Lopez: En serio. Pues, no me jodáis.[Really. Well, no shit.]

Shawn: Sherlock.

Donut: What do we do?

Lopez and Shawn get behind the warthog and start pushing.

Lopez: ¡Quédate allí! Empujaremos el coche. Usted hace estallar el embrague![Stay in there! We'll push the car. You pop the clutch!]

Shawn: Good idea.

Donut: It's no good. (sniffling) We can't do anything!

Lopez: En serio.¡Solo tenemos que empujarlo diez metros![Seriously. We only need to push it about ten meters!]

Donut: All hope is lost.

The Meta is seen approaching from a distance.

Simmons: Oh no, the Meta!!

Lopez: Oh, mierda. (Oh Shit.)

Shawn: Muffins.

Donut: What are we gonna do without any ammo? We're trapped.

Simmons: Ha. This thing always has ammo.

Lopez: No serás lo suficientemente fuerte para girarlo sin energía. [You won't be strong enough to turn it without power.]

Shawn: Yeah dude.

Simmons shoots momentarily at the Meta, but it soon ceases fire.

Simmons: Oh, Shit.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 7Where stories live. Discover now