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Fade in to Caboose and Shawn. He is talking to the Epsilon unit while Shawn worked.

Caboose: Then there was the time we got a tank. Of course no one knew how to drive it, but then there was a big fight, my team got in trouble. So I talked to the tank. She was really nice, you're really gonna like her. Anyways, the team was in trouble, and I had to use the tank to drive out there to help them. ...Well, help most of them. ...Erm, some of them. ...Okay, let's just say this: I drove the tank, and some people got helped... and some other people didn't get helped. ...Details aren't really important.

Shawn stops what he's doing and stares at Caboose.

Shawn: (Mutters to himself) I wasn't even there and I already know that's BS. (Gets back to work)

Cut to the Red Base. Sarge is running around, searching through multiple areas of the base for Grif. He ends in front of the Warthog.

Sarge: Grif! Where the hell are ya? Grif! Grif? Grif! Come on!

Grif: (from in the base) I'm in here!

Sarge: Where are you? Grif, I need you!

Grif: In here, in the base!

Sarge: I can't hear you! Get out here!

Sarge runs towards the base while Grif is exiting it.

Grif: Okay. Damn, what is it?

Sarge: Where's Simmons?

Grif: Simmons? If you wanted Simmons, then why didn't you yell like a lunatic for Simmons?

Sarge: Damn it, Grif! I entrusted you with one duty! And that's to know exactly where Simmons is at all times so I can find him! Lopez watches Thea, Thea watch's Simmons, Simmons watches Donut, Donut watches me.

Grif: Yeah, who watches me?

Sarge: Nobody. You move less than Donut does. Now where's Simmons?

Grif: I don't know, he's downstairs in your hologram simulatron or whatever the hell you call it.

Sarge: Excellent work, Private Grif!

Grif: Wow! Thank you, sir.

Sarge: I'm gonna recommend you for a big shiny medal!

Grif: Okay, you're being sarcastic right now, aren't you?

Sarge: Oh, absolutely! ...Wait, was your question sarcastic?

Grif: Who knows? Probably? Unless—wait, are you being sarcastic right now by asking that?

Awkward silence.

Sarge: Hm. Maybe we should drop this conversation.

Grif: Yeeah...

Sarge: (starts heading into the base) What's Simmons doing downstairs?

Grif: Sorry! Not in my job description!

Sarge: (grunts) I'll ask him myself...

Cuts to inside the simulation room, where Simmons is seen working on the jeep with Thea under it. Sarge suddenly walks in and Simmons stops working.

Sarge: Simmons! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!

Simmons: Really? Sorry, sir. I was just down here working on the jeep prototype. I know you really want to see it built, and we need to work on a few bugs in the design.

Sarge: A few bugs?

Simmons: Yeah, you know, like the fact it stalls every time we fire the magnetic cannon, because you based it on an EMP.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 7Where stories live. Discover now