Dumb cop, bad cop

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The camera pans over Sandtrap, where Sarge, Grif and Caboose are by C.T.'s jeep. Thea is by the wrecked jeeps and other junk, trying to radio Simmons at Valhalla.

Thea: Simmons, come on, Simmons, are you there or what? (No answer, only static) Okay I give up. Something's wrong with the radio now, too. I'll go check their jeep.

Grif: We'll keep watch.

Sarge: What the hell is wrong with this jeep anyway? It doesn't have a turret.

Caboose: Maybe it's just a car?

Sarge: What does that mean?

Caboose: You know, like a car. A regular car.

Sarge: What kind of car doesn't have a massive cannon on it?

Caboose: All kinds of cars. Most kinds of cars.

Grif: I hate to say it but I agree with the blue.

Sarge: That's ridiculous. That would be like saying there's some kind of thing you can wear on your head that's not armor plated, and doesn't offer a 5X optical zoom.

Caboose: I think you've been in the military a really long time.

Sarge: Yep. It's been a good run.

Thea: Karabast, no radio here either? Someone's yanked it out. Why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep?

Caboose: Let me take a look at it, Grif.

Thea: Why? You want to confirm that there's no radio?

Caboose: Maybe I can fix it.

Thea: How are you going to fix something that isn't even the- You know what, no, Screw it, go for it, whatever. (walks over to Sarge while Caboose goes to the jeep) Sarge, this place gives me the creeps. Something's really wrong here. I mean, why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep, and why can't I get a signal on long range?

Sarge: Something does seem out of place, but maybe we're overreacting. Maybe they're just using the parts from this radio to fix the others.

Grif: And we just happen to only find all the ones that are broken? That seems unlikely.

Sarge: Hmm, maybe they have one enormous radio somewhere that requires a ton of parts, like one the size of a house.

Grif: ... Once again, unlikely. Wait a second... (camera and Grif turn to the Elephant) What about that thing? The big freighter? It looks like a mobile base. Maybe it has a radio.

Thea: It's called an Elephant because it weighs a ton and can hold allot of people.

The camera jumps to Caboose by the jeep holding epsilon.

Caboose: (Whispers) Sheila, is that you? Are you there? Um... Delta? Tex?

Sarge: Hey, what are you up to over there?

Caboose: Nothing. (drops the Epsilon unit) I'm up to nothing.

Sarge: What is that? What are you doing?

C.T. is shown walking towards Sarge, Grif, Thea and Caboose.

Grif: Uh-oh, here comes-

Thea: Karabast.

Sarge: Caboose, stop messing with their jeep.

Caboose: I'm not doing anything! Just ignore me!

Sarge: If you're not doing anything, then what would we be ignoring?

Caboose: Ignore what I'm not doing.

Scene jumps to Red Base at Valhalla, with Lopez and Simmons by two motorcycles.

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