☁️Lamb!Erwin X Farmer!Reader • Little Lamb • Farmer Version

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  It was like any old day on the farm.
Do your chores and you can play. Well, at least that's what my father told me when I was a child. But joe that he has passed away, it's just me and Hange who take care of the farm, and thankfully since she's a scientist working on this bastard titans, we still have plenty enough money.

  "Time to see if the cows milked themselves. Ugh...Still kinda gross through..."
  Walking to barn I had, opened the doors to reveal the cows sleeping their beds. They have been making milk and I know for a fact milking is hard, so I understand how they're sleep.

  I quiet crept inside, puked in the wagon, placed the big silver milk jugs into the wagon and quietly walked out, closing the door to the barn behind me.

  Pulling the wagon to the giant freezer room in the back was a little hard from how heavy the cans are, but thanks to Levi, I'm super strong.

I still bat wrap my head around the fact that a giant leopard that's supposed to be in South American and Africa made it all the way to (Y/S/N-your state name).

  Oh well.

  I opened up the deep freezer, and placed the 12 jugs of milk into the freezer and closed it tightly. I pushed the wagon beside it, dusted my hands off and started to walk out.

  "All done with the cows, now time for the pigs."
  Grabbing a giant bucket of fruit, I walked on over it the pigs and smiled as I poured in the buttload of apples, pears and all things nice into their food tray and stayed there for a while watching as the pigs ate.

  But while she was watching the pugs, a special someone was watching (Y/N).

  It was one of her sheep's named Erwin. He was leaning against the fence while having his head on top of his hand and smiled softly at the woman he adored the most.

  {She's so pretty when shes doing her chores...}
  He thought to himself still watching her as she rubbed the pig's muddy, curly, tangled hair  as she started to laugh.


  Turning his head, he looked at Mike who was sitting inside of the barn where all of the sheep are supposed to be and eating his grass.

  "What are you doing over there? You're supposed to be over here eating your grass."

  Erwin gave a sigh looking back at (Y/N) then walked over towards Mike, sat down and took his fork eating a bit of his grass.

  "Erwin, you know for a fact you can't love (Y/N). She has more important things to do."
  Mike said taking another bite of his grass. But Erwin didn't pay no attention towards his friend. He loved (Y/N), almost adored. He's been that way since he was first born. She was right there exactly when he was born and was the second person to look him dead into his eyes, even if they weren't opened fully.

  "Erwin? Erwin! Are you even listening?!"

  He turned his head towards his friend hearing him call him but laughed sheepishly seeing he had an annoyed face.

  "Erwin, you have to be more responsible. (Y/N) can't be worrying about you while she has chores, making sure no one comes on the property, selling products, making sure the farm won't get repossessed, and..."

  And there he went on talking about what responsibilities (Y/N) had which made Erwin yawn and look back the pig's pen but his small lamb ears flattened seeing she wasn't there no more.

  He missed her...

  If Erwin could have one wish, it would be to be that he could be a human and finally be with her forever and ever, maybe even have cabs of his own with her if he had the chance, but unfortunately, when he was born, he was born as a lamb and not a human..

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