Our Love Will Never Die • Part 2

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"Wait, Wait, Wait...
Are you saying that the ship over there is...
Davy Jone's ship?!"

I've been in this world longer than you have and
I have seen her ship before!
It's not a pretty sight
and she's not a nice person
at all..."

  Levi was in shock with what Erwin was saying.
He can't believe that he's that close to that devil of a pirate that said all of the 7 great , big seas...
He didn't even know what to say right now!
He was terrified...
So was Erwin...

  "Then what do we do?!"
Levi said with worry in his voice completely scared. Erwin looked at Levi then looked at the window staring at it for a long, uncomfortable time...

Levi's breathe hitched and eyes widened in terror.

  He's about to do
something stupid...

whatever you're thinking,
please don't do it...
I'm begging you..."

If we get her attention,
she could save us!"

"Erwin that's a terrible idea!
We could get in trouble!
What if she spots us and tries to sink the ship?!
We could all die!"

I'm sorry..."

what are you-"





While the two were downstairs fussing loudly,
the two leaders were in the top of the ship by the Captain's wheel while going through some fog.

"Where did this fog come from..."

"I have no idea..."
Marie muttered before sighing and grabbing her sword and now put it beside her incase anything was going to happen which always happens somehow. Petra was still steering the ship until she hard one of the crew point to something out into the waters.

"I'll check and see."
Said Marie as she walked down the small flight of stairs and towards the crewmate. When she had gotten there, the crewmate pointed to something.
Narrowing her eyes, she looked towards the large item and her own eyes widened.

"It's a ship...
And it looks like..-"

"Erwin please baby, stay quiet!!"

"Nu!! I don' wanna be here anymore!
I wanna leave here and I don' wanna see those two evil girls again!"

"I know Erwin,
but if you keep yelling,
we get in-"

"What the hell is going on here?!"

Both head turned towards the door and gasped seeing Petra and Marie both standing at the doorway looking at the two with dark angry faces.
Levi's eyes were wide with fear but he knew he now had to protect Erwin since he was now in littlespace and couldn't protect himself as well.

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