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I'm gadriel. Son of Gabriel, current leader of the angel tribe. He has been the leader for a century now.  My father is a very distant but wise creature, his wings are blue like the night sky. He survived Our war. That's what they call it. We don't learn very much about it. I only know it was the makers fault or at least that's what they say. Oh, wait I should probably tell you what I mean. I'll explain.

Less then a century ago there was a war. the tribes lived mixed through all lands of pangea.The makers were jealous they didn't have any special powers so They invented machines. These machines could steal the power of the creatures above the maker. the ranking was a bit like this, it actually still is

1. The angels, our flying city goes by the name of anglicus. We call ourselves angelicans. I am am atheist but we're actually very catholic. We are the richest and most powerfull. We  have wings and we can make them metal. We also have all kinds of element powers plus every angelican has their own power based on their personality. Oh, and we're immortal and invulnerable. Our flying city is mostly white and gold, everything is in a religious style I guess. Our biggest allies are the witches and our biggest enemies are still the makers, altough we can't really see them as a threat.

2. The vampires, their flying city goes by the name valeria. They call themselves vampires (unsurprisingly). They have telepathie, can read minds all sorts of kenissis things. They are vulnerable but they can't die. They are atheist. Their flying city is mostly black and red in a medieval theme. They also have witches and warlocks living with them because they are quite usefull especially with medecines.

3 The witches and warlocks, their flying city goes by the name wicca or wigga, (depends on who you're asking). They call themselves warlocks or healers. They don't like the name witches because it has bad associations. They have powers but they have to activate them with a spell. Young healers have to learn new spells from books, while the powers of most of the other tribes come naturally. The upside is they can learn every power they desire. That's why they are higher in the ranking then the naturals. The power that does come naturally is their wisdom from plants that heal or plants that can kill. They are mortal and vulnerable. Their city is very rural and green. They believe in forest gods or something like that

4 The naturals, these noble people are very humble. Their flying city goes by the name ombravalo which means shadow valley (not sure why). They go by different names depending on what power you have. Some of the powers are fire, water, wind, earth, light, sun and shadow. The umbras, as the people with shadow powers call themselves, are very rare and very powerful. Every time the angels detect an umbra it either mysteriously disappears or it gets to live in our city. Umbras are the only creatures that can kill everyone no matter the tribe or spell they're under. All the naturals are mortal and vulnerable except umbras. Their city is colorful but they have a gigantic black castle in the middle.

5 The makers, their flying city goes by the name fumestajo, the makers don't have special powers. They only have a skill in technology and producing stuff. Their whole city is black because of the smoke

well, now I've told you everything you need to know I think. So let's start with the exciting part, the story

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