Ch. 8 Hey, Elder Billy Black!

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On the road to Black's residence, Sam is carefully looking at his surroundings as he drives. Paul is boredly whistling and tapping his fingers against the shoulder handle, and Jared looks out the window watching his surroundings go by in a blur due to how fast Sam is driving.

" Why does Elder Billy Black want to meet with us?" Paul asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I don't know what is going on, but Elder Billy Black says it is urgent," Sam responded.

" Does it have something to do with that girl he says is a Leech Lover that you mentioned one time? Do you know her name?" Paul asked.

" I don't know her name. All Elder Billy Black told me, in the beginning, is that she is the Forks Police Chief Swan's only daughter," Sam turns his gaze slightly to the rearview mirror to stare at Paul.

" Chief Swan's daughter?" Paul's chocolate brown eyes blinked, and his eyes widened when he remembers a little girl the same age as him crying because he put gum in her hair when they were like ten.

" Ah! So, the Leech Lover is that Little Snowflake Bella Swan!" Paul widely grinned, and he turns his gaze to Jared.

Jared's chocolate brown eyes blinked when he hears Bella's name coming from Paul's mouth.

" Bella?" Jared mouths out, and his nose twitched when he remembered smelling a faint scent of hot chocolate in the forest.

" Jay! Jay! Jay! Do you want some hot chocolate I made? I know it is summertime, but Forks is usually cold and rainy. I would drink lots of hot chocolate back in California during the winter since it gets chilly at night. And Granny Marie would always give me hot chocolate to drink," A twelve-year-old Bella Swan babbles while holding a cup of hot chocolate to a twelve-year-old Jared Cameron in the summer of 2000.

" You know how to make hot chocolate?" Jared asked, looking and sounding amazed.

" I do! Granny Marie taught me how," Bella happily tells Jared while carefully placing the cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

Jared looked down at the hot chocolate, and he immediately noticed some vanilla marshmallows and cinnamon dust on top. He takes a sip of the drink, and he widely smiled since the flavors tasted so warm and welcoming.

" I love it! It is so delicious and warm!" Jared happily tells Bella.

" Yay!" Bella cheered, and she hugs Jared from behind, unaware that she made him blush.

" Who would have thought the Crybaby would come back to town and live here? Well, she is probably not a Crybaby anymore. She is probably seventeen. She must be a babe by now," Paul whistles while smirking at Jared, trying to get a reaction from his packmate since he knows that his best friend had the biggest crush on Bella when they were kids.

Jared silently stared at the window, causing Paul to annoyingly rolled his chocolate brown eyes.

" What sucks is that she is now a Leech Lover!" Paul mumbled unbeknown to him that his inner-wolf is furiously growling, thinking about killing Bella.

Jared mindlessly grabs a pillow next to him, throwing it at Paul, which hits him on the face. He didn't realize that his inner-wolf is furious at Paul's inner-wolf for thinking about killing Bella.

Paul caught the pillow after it hit him on the face. He then glares at Jared, and his chocolate brown eyes blinked when he sees his best friend slowly turning his gaze to him. He shivered when he sees Jared's usual warm chocolate brown eyes turn into cold wolf-like amber eyes.

Sam's chocolate brown eyes blinked when he senses tension in the truck. He stops on a red light, and he turns his head back, seeing Jared looking ready to kill Paul. He raised an eyebrow since he never saw Jared with a murderous expression.

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