Ch. 5 Do you want help?

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Bella enters Rachel and Rebecca's bedroom with Jacob. She silently looked at her surroundings and noticed that the bedroom looks the same except for more spacious beds. 

Bella also noted that some boxes got moved to the second bed, which she knows is Rebecca's since it is a light blue. She figured that Billy and Jacob wanted her to sleep on the first bed, which she knows is Rachel's since it is a navy blue color and near the window, which has a view of the forest. 

" Hey. How are Rachel and Becky doing?" Bella softly asked while turning her gaze to Jacob, carefully putting her luggage on the floor near the bed where she will be sleeping. 

Jacob stood straight, and he turns his gaze to Bella. 

" Rachel and Rebecca decided to leave the tribe to do their own thing after graduating from High School," Jacob mumbled. 

Bella nods her head in response. She looked away, believing it is a sensitive subject, but Jacob continued to speak. 

" Last year, Rebecca met this surfer who was participating in a surfing competition with other surfers in First Beach. I think his name was Solomon Finau, and he was from Hawaii. They got along so well in such a short amount of time. That she took him to our place, and he asked our Dad for Rebecca's hand in marriage since after the surfing competition he had to head back to Hawaii to train for an upcoming surfing competition in Tokyo, Japan," Jacob explained. 

Bella's chocolate brown eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect Jacob to tell her about his sister's whereabouts. She slowly turns around to stare at him. 

" I was like fourteen at the time when I heard Solomon asked Dad for Rebecca's hand in marriage. Of course, Dad didn't take it well, thinking she was too young to marry since Rebecca was eighteen and Solomon was twenty. And Rebecca didn't take it well either, so they argued. 

Then Rebecca hit Dad the hardest by mentioning Mom since she confessed to him that ever since Mom died, she couldn't stand being in the same place where everything reminded her of Mom. 

Because of that, Dad begrudgingly accepts and blessed Solomon to marry Rebecca. After they got married in the Quileute tribe with some of our close friends as their witnesses, they left the tribe, and Rebecca got married again in Hawaii with Solomon's close friends and family as their witnesses," Jacob finished explaining. 

Bella silently stared at Jacob since she didn't know what to say to him. 

" And Rachel. She applied and got accepted into Washington State University in Pullman. The University also gave her an Academic Scholarship due to her winning first place in our High school's robotics team when she was a Senior. 

I think Rachel is studying to get her Computer Engineering degree," Jacob scratch his chin. 

Bella softly smiled since she vaguely remembered Rachel being into robots and loving breaking electric stuff and rebuilding them. 

" Does Rachel visit you guys?" Bella softly asked. 

" Rachel has been busy doing homework, taking tests and quizzes and such that she rarely comes to the tribe to visit us. Then again, the drive to there and here is like eight hours," Jacob responded. 

" And Dad doesn't want to risk Rachel getting hurt if she drives all the way here, especially at night," Jacob whispers. 

Bella sadly nods her head since she figures that Billy is scared that Rachel would get into a similar car accident that took his wife if she ever drove to the tribe from a faraway place. 

" It is understandable for Billy to feel that way," Bella whispered. 

" But, Rachel does send us postcards to let us know how she is doing as well as asking us how we are doing, which makes Dad happy since he continuously collects them and puts them in a safe place. Even though it makes Dad sad that Rachel is far away from the tribe, he knows she is doing something she loves, and Mom would have wanted him to support Rachel's dreams," Jacob softly smiled. 

Bella softly smiled. 

" Not only that, but Rachel and I have been planning to do a surprise birthday party for Dad. His birthday is coming up a month from now, on July 13. Rachel did finish her first year, and she is making sure everything gets ready before she heads back to the tribe to surprise Dad for his birthday," Jacob happily tells Bella.

" That's great! Do you by any chance have Rachel's phone number?" Bella kindly asked. 

" I do," Jacob pulls out his cell phone from his pant pocket. He then types something onto his cell phone, and he puts it away. 

Bella felt something vibrate, and she pulls out her cell phone from her pant pocket. She softly smiled when she sees a text message from Jacob, and it was Rachel's phone number. 

" Thank you," Bella nods her head, and she saves Rachel's phone number in her contacts. 

" Are you planning to contact her?" Jacob asked. 

" Yeah. It has been a while since we last spoke," Bella responded, and her stomach begins to growl. 

" I am going to make ourselves something to eat," Bella tells Jacob. 

" Do you want help?" Jacob asked, looking and sounding concerned since Bella is injured. 

Bella shakes her head in response. 

" No. I'll be fine. You relax. I'll call you if anything," Bella tells Jacob, and she walks out of the bedroom to the living room where Billy is watching TV. 

Billy turns his head back, and he softly smiled when he sees Bella entering the living room. 

" Hey, Bella. You need anything?" Billy asked. 

" No. I am only hungry, so I decided that I will make us something delicious to eat," Bella kindly tells Billy. 

" Bella. You are our guest. I can have Jacob do the cooking," Billy tells Bella, looking and sounding concerned. 

Bella shakes her head. 

" I don't want to be a burden. And besides, I can still cook, but at a much slower pace," Bella blushes, feeling embarrassed and guilty since she did get herself injured by falling for James's trap. 

Billy's gaze softened, and he nods his head in response. 

" Well. The fridge recently got stocked, so if you need something, it will be in there," Billy informs Bella. 

" Okay. I am going to be making Mexican Enchiladas with a side of rice and beans," Bella tells Billy, and she turns to the left as she carefully walks towards the kitchen to start making their brunch. 

" Sounds delicious," Billy softly smiled, looking and feeling glad that Bella is slowly coming back to her cheerful self that he used to know when she was younger before she interacted with the Cullen's.

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