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Normans pov

I woke up to sunlight shining through the window onto my face. I covered my eyes with one of my arms but realized I could barely move my other arm. I looked to the side and saw my beautiful boyfriend asleep holding onto my arm.

I chuckled and shook Ray a little bit. "Rayyy baby wake up". I heard him groan then cuddle deeper into my side. "Noooo I don't wanna".

I smiled and kissed his forehead. Ray opened his green eyes only a little bit and I could see he was smiling. I kissed his forehead again and he moved his face a little bit so I could see his whole face. He pointed to his lips and I could see he wanted a kiss on the lips.

I leaned down and kissed him on the lips then started kissing all over his face. He giggled and I pulled away. "You ready to get up now"? He frowned and nodded so I kissed him on the lips again. "Good boy i'll go make breakfast while you get ready".

Ray nodded and blushed. I got up and headed down stairs to make breakfast. I was making pancakes and some coffee when I felt two arms wrapped around my waist. "Good morning baby". I heard a groan behind me and felt Ray put his face on my back.

Ray was not a morning person. He never was and I doubt he ever will be. I remember back at the orphanage mom one time had to literally drag him out of bed and drag him downstairs by using a blanket so he wouldn't get hurt.

I smiled at the memory then turned around and hugged him. He buried his face into my chest and I petted his head. "Come on baby you gotta wake up we are supposed to visit the other kids soon". Ray pulled away and rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I'm waking up just give me a minute ". I chuckled " Ray you've been awake for ten minutes already".

Ray glared at me so I kissed his forehead. "I love you baby" he looked away and pouted. "Yeah I love you to".

I smiled and started putting the pancakes on a plate while Ray poured himself some coffee and me some to. We both put the food and drinks on the table and sat down.

"I don't see why we have to visit her and the kids we know there fine by themselves ". Ray complained. "I know they are but isn't it fun to just visit sometimes and see how much they grew. They are still family after all. Ray shrugged and we finished are food in silence.

After they finished Ray grabbed the dishes and brought them to the kitchen. "Baby you don't have to wash them I can do it". Ray shook his head and smiled one of his rare smiles at me. "Dont worry about it you made food so ill clean up". I smiled at him and nodded while he started washing the dishes.

I soon went upstairs and started geting ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and put on some clothes. Once I got back down stares I saw Ray sitting on the couch reading and humming mothers lullaby. I smiled then went up behind him and kissed his cheek.

Ray blushed and stopped humming. "You ready to go now"? He asked and I nodded. We both got into are car and started driving to are familys new house. They had gotten a building that almost looked like a hotel and they all lived there. Emma, Gilda, Ray and I all decided to move out and let the kids stay with mom but all four of us often visited.

When we pulled up outside we saw a few little kids run outside to greet us.

"RAYYY NORMANNN" They yelled as we got out of are car. "Hello its good to see you" I greeted and Ray just waves. He loves his family very much he just doesn't really know how to show his love. The kids led us inside and we saw mom reading a book to all of the children in a room.

Once she saw us she finished reading and sent the kids away to play. She got up and hugged us. "Good to see you to how have you been"? She asked. "We've been fine" Ray answered and hugged her back.

"Hey norman and Ray what are you guys doing here". Don said walking down the stairs. "We just came to visit for a bit" I answered. Don had the opportunity to move out like Emma Gilda Ray and I but he decided to stay with the little kids.

"Cool, hey I was wondering if I could show you something " he said and Ray and I nodded while mom let us go to check on the other kids. Don led us up to his room and pulled out a weird bottle.

"So I met this girl at school who really likes to make potions. She said this was a love potion that you can use to make someone show there true feelings for someone but I'm to scared to try it myself. I was wondering since you to love each other then maybe you to can try it then tell me the results". Ray looked at Don like he was crazy and was about to tell him no but I grabbed it anyway. "Sure don we will try it for you".

Rays jaw dropped and I smiled at Don and he smiled back. "Thanks Norman I'm counting on you to tell me the results". I nodded then took rays hand before he could say anything to Don.

"Why would you agree" Ray hissed at me and I smiled at him. "I thought it would be fun". Ray glared at me and I waved goodbye to mom and the kids.

Once we got home Ray and I walked into the living room. "So who's ganna drink it" Ray asked. I smiled and Ray glared at me. "Dont even think ill drink that thing".

"Please Ray I really wanna see what it'll do to you". "HELL NO". "If you drink it ill cuddle you as much as you want and make your favorite meals for a whole month". Ray thought for a second then sighed and nodded.

"Fine but I'm doing this for the food not the cuddles". "Sure you are" I said and chuckled.

I handed him the bottle and he took the lid off and stared at it for awhile before taking a deep breath and drinking it. Once he finished he stuck his tongue out and cringed. "That shits gross". I giggled then kissed him.

"So how do you feel"? Ray shrugged.
"I don't know I don't feel any different ". I sighed then texted Don.

He texted back and said that it should take awhile before it actually starts working so I told Ray and he nodded.

For the rest of the day Ray and I just cuddled and watched movies together. When it was time for bed we got ready and slept with Ray in my arms.

I woke up the same way I always did but the only difference was that I didn't feel Ray on the bed. I looked around for a bit and saw he wasn't even in the room. "Its 7:00 Ray is never up this early" I said to myself and started looking around the house for him.

I thought maybe he left to go to the store or something until I heard crying from the bathroom. I immediately ran to the bathroom. "Ray are you in there"? I herd the crying stop. "Ray im coming in" I said before opening the door. What I saw shocked me. My boyfriend. my 17 year old boyfriend. My boyfriend that we've been together since we were 13 was now sitting infornt of me...

As a child..

I am going to kill Don.

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