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Normans pov

I hung up the phone after telling fon I'd be there in a few hours. I decided to let Ray sleep for about 2 hours then I'd wake him up then we can leave to see mom and don.

I grabbed some of my clothes and started changing in the bathroom so I wouldn't wake Ray up. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After that I started cleaning the house a bit. I sweeped the floors and dusted. I checked the clock and see two hours had passed. I started heading up to the bedroom and opened the door.

I saw Ray still asleep. I walked over to him and started rubbing circles around his back. "Ray wake up". I whispered into his ear. Ray sat up a bit and rubbed his eyes with his tiny hands. "Come on Ray we have to leave soon to see don and mama". Ray nodded and made grabby hands to me. I picked him up and walked us both to the front door. I realized he didn't have any shoes that would fit him and he dosnt have a car seat. Oh no this is ganna be hard.

Ray might be really light but the house is like 2 miles away and that would be a ling walk to carry a 6 year old plus if anyone saw us that would be suspicious because he has no shoes and his shirt is was to big.

I walked over to the car and Ray stared at it in amazement.  I sat down in the driver seat and put Ray on my lap. "OK ray I'm not supposed to do this but I don't have a car seat and this is the only thing I can think of so please sit still". Ray nodded and I started the car. It wasn't a long trip but I was nervous for Ray. If I were to step on the break the wrong way he could be badly hurt. Because of my nervousness the ride seemed to take forever.  I looked down at Ray and saw he was looking out the window quietly but his eyes seemed to sparkle.

"You like riding in a car dont you"? I asked and he nodded. "Its cool to see you can go anywere you want without having to worry to much". I smiled. I wonder what he would've grown up like if we never lived in the orphanage.

After a bit we got to moms house. I picked up Ray and carried him inside.  A few kids ran up to us and asked who the kid was and were Ray is but I just smiled and said I'd tell them later. I walked up the stairs and into dons room. I saw mom and don talking until they saw us. When Ray saw mom he grabbed onto my shirt even tighter.

"Ah your here Norman and I'm guessing this is ray" mom said walking closer. I was taller then her so Ray was eye level with her from were he was hanging on to me. "Sorry mom hes a bit scared right now. He doesn't remember anything since he was 6". Mom nodded but frowned.

"I see so I won't be with him alone for his own good" I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Soon things will be back to normal so you don't have to worry mom". She nodded then left the room. Once she left Ray moved his head a bit so I could see his face.  He still looked scared so I smiled at him and he cuddled back into my chest.

"So you told the truth about him being a kid huh" don said with a nervous expression.  I glared at him and nodded. "You have a way to fix him or not"?. Don shook his head. "I'll ask her at school tomorrow but I need a picture of him first so she can see what happened". I nodded and sat on the bed Ray still attached to my shirt not looking up.

"Ray can you look at me for a second I just want to take a quick picture of you". I felt him flinch a bit but even so he looked up and I snapped a quick photo.

"Will this work"? I said showing don and he nodded. "Also I need a pice of what he looked like before". I nodded and scrolled through my camera roll to find one. Most of the picters were either us kissing or one of us kissing the others cheek. I knew if I sent one of us kissing if ray turns back normal he would be embarrassed and mad so I needed to find a normal one. Once I did I sent it to don and he nodded.

"Can I see what I look like when I'm older" I herd a small voice say. I looked down and saw Ray looking at me with his eyes sparkling.  I nodded and showed him the picture.

he's a...child norrayWhere stories live. Discover now