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Normans pov

Ray sat infront of me tears in his eyes and his body small. He looked to be around 5 or 6.

"Ray is that you" I asked siting infron of him on the floor. Ray scooted away from me but nodded. "Who...are you....why do you...look like ...norman"? Ray asked in a tiny voice.

"I am Norman but I am older now". Ray looked really confused and like he wanted to cry. "How can you be norman... your old" DID HE JUST CALL NE OLD. SERIOUSLY IM ONLY 17 AND THIS KID JUST CALLED ME OLD.

I took a deep breath to stop myself from yelling at him. I knew that of I yelled it would just scare him more then he already is.

"Ray do you remember anything"? Ray shook his head. "The last thing I remember was mamma tucking us into bed then we went to sleep". So he dosnt remember anything. Jezz this is ganna be difficult.

"If you really are old Norman prove it" Ray said glaring at me. Normally his glare is attest a bit scary but now that he's a child it more cute then anything.

I put my finger on my chin and thought of a way I could prove I was really Norman.

"Can you ask me a question only Norman would know the answer to"? I told Ray and he nodded. "When you got sick one time what did Emma and I make for you"? I smiled remembering that say.

"You to made cup phones so you could talk to me from outside the door without getting sick...though I could clearly here Emma even without the cup phone because she wouldn't stop yelling". Ray and I both chuckled and Ray ran up to me and hugged me.

"You really are a old Norman". "Hey I'm not old I'm only 17" I told him.

"Wait if you are 17 that means you didn't die at 12. Dose that mean you escaped the house". Wait Ray knew about the demon thing even at age 6. Well he did tell us he remembered everything since he was a baby so it makes since he would know at a young age but this young.

I smiled. "Yes all of us escape when you Emma and I are 11 but I went to a different place then you and Emma". Ray tilted his head intrigued by my story but I didn't really have time to tell him what happend. I have to talk to don and mom to see if they can fix him. As cute as Ray is right now I would really like my actual boyfriend back.

"Ray if you are a good boy all day ill tell you some of what happend as a bedtime story how dose that sound".
Ray smiled big and nodded.

I picked him up and led him into are bed room. I don't have any small clothes here so I grabbed one of rays shirts and gave it to ray. "It will be big on you but you can were this for now". Ray nodded and I left the room and stood outside the door until he told me it was ok for me to come back in.

I came back in and saw Ray sitting on the bed with the shirt that looked like a dress on him. I smiled and picked him up and brought him downstairs. "So do you and I live alone here"? Ray asked. I nodded. "Why do we"? I blushed. Should I tell him that we are dating in his future. What would he say. Oh gosh that would be awkward. "Um well we uh stay good friends so you decide to stay with me hehe" I say clearly embarrassed. Ray nodded. He looked like he believed me so I sighed in relief and put him down at the table.

I'm going to make some breakfast then we are going to visit mama and don to try to help you". I told him. I saw him flinch when I mentioned mama. He must be scared of her because he didn't see her as a good person for awhile.

"We have to see ma-mama" I nodded and petted his head. "Dont worry she won't do anything she's a good guy now I promise ". Ray nodded but I could still see he was scared. I didn't know what to do until I herd him gasp and jump off the chair.

"Ray are you ok" I said as he ran past me. I looked to were he was going and noticed he saw the cat Ray and I own. Ray stopped running a few feet away from the cat so I sat next to him and extended my hand. "Come here shadow" I called to him and the cat looked at me then to ray. He walked up to us and laid down inront of Ray. I showed Ray how to pet shadow.

Peting the cat seemed to make Ray feel better so I left him so I could go make breakfast. He really was a cut child but I still want to find out how to get my boyfriend back.

I finished making breakfast and called Ray over to eat with me. He walked over to the chair (well more like waddled because of the oversized shirt) and tried to climb up the chair. I saw he was struggling so I got up and put him in the chair. "Why are your chairs so tall"? Ray asked and I shrugged. "When you are older you are pretty tall so it just worked better for us to get taller chairs". Ray sighed but started eating his food. I think he realized that he can't do things on his own anymore and will need more help here then he did at the house.

We finished are food and I grabbed the plates and started washing them. I looked back to see Ray trying to climb out of the chair. I think now that he's not only focused on one thing he realized the chair is much taller then he thinks.

I saw him start to climb down until his foot missed a spot and he started to fall. He yelled and I jumped and caught him before he hit the floor. When I jumped i slid and hit my head on a leg of the table. Ray was now siting on my lap not a scratch on him while I held my head. "Ouch" I said and he looked worried.

"I-im sorry Norman I thought I could get down again like I did before but I realized it was really tall so I was trying to be careful but now you got hurt". He looked like he was going to cry again so I smiled at him. "Dont worry I'm not hurt I just bumped my head but I'm fine".

Ray smiled and hugged me. Wow I didn't know ray was a cuddly child. Yet him knowing he wasn't safe would make him a bit more uneasy about opening up about being sensitive. I smiled and hugged Ray back then picked him up and put him on the counter so he could continue washing dishes and watch Ray.

After i finished cleaning the dishes Ray reached out to me making graby hands. I chuckled and picked him up. Ray snuggled his face into my chest while i took him to are bedroom. I put him on the bed and he yawned. "you tired"? I asked and he nodded. "Go ahead and take a nap I have to make a call real quick". Ray nodded and laid down. "Hey norman" he said to me. "Can you tell me one of your adventures before I sleep".

I smiled and nodded. I sat next to him and tucked him into the blankets then started my story.

"It was when we were still in the orphanage when we had a little sister. Her name was conny. It was the day for her to be adopted when we all decided to play tag all day. I was it the first round and found everyone easily. When Emma was throughing a fit my good friend Ray gave her some good advice. Tag is all about strategy. Its like playing chess with your whole body. After he said that don challenged us to another game of tag but instead of me being it everyone except me was it. Emma found me by a fence in the woods and soon everyone else found me as well. We were talking about what we wanted to do when we got out of the orphanage. Emma said she wanted to stay forever. I said I wanted to travel and see the world. Ray said the smartest thing of all of us. He said he would need to survive. We didn't relize it at the time but Ray was right. Just like always Ray was right".

I heard small snores from beside me and saw little Ray asleep. I know this part of the story is a bit dark for a child but if I don't start with this the rest won't make much sense. I just hope that I can find a way to turn him back before I have to get to the really scary parts of are story.

I kissed Ray on the forehead and got off of the bed. I pulled out my phone and dilated dons number. "Hey Don so you know that potion you gave us to test for you. Ray drank it and something is wrong. It wasn't a love potion it was a age reverse potion. Yes Ray is a child now". Don was shocked by the news and I told him I would be coming over in a few hours to see him and mom.

I really hope we can find a way to turn him back soon.

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