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Day 5

"Wow look at all these books". My boyfriend Ray and I went to the public library for the first time. He was admiring all the books. He honestly looked like he was in heaven. 

He quickly grabbed a random book from one of the shelves and ran to a chair to sit down and read. I chuckled quietly at his exited behavior.

"Come on baby you can just grab a book and we can check out and then you can take it home for a few days" I told him and he smiled and nodded. He grabbed about 5 books and I only grabbed one. We brought them to the front desk and the librarian looked supried with how many books Ray grabbed but smiled and scanned them then handed them to him.

We grabbed the books and headed home.

Once we got home Ray ran into the livingroom without looking back with all the books he got. "Baby don't forget your shoes" I called to him. I saw a pair of shoes geting thrown at me.

I sighed and put the shoes away. When I went into the livingroom I saw Ray sitting on the couch entranced by the book he was reading.

I chuckled and sat next to him on the couch. He didn't even notice me he was so entranced. I started poking his side but he still didn't even flinch. "Babyyyyy notice meeee" I whinned but ray didn't do anything. I was starting to get annoyed by him ignoring me so I reached over his shoulder and pulled him onto my chest. That got a bit of a reaction.

I started kissing his neck and rubbing his shoulders. I saw him put the book and his lap and lean his head aginst my chest. "Does it feel good baby". Ray hummed and relaxed. I leaned up and kissed his forehead. "I love you baby" I whispered and he hummed. "I love you to".

I smiled and kissed his forehead again before a loud noise rung in my ear. I groaned and rolled over to turn off my alarm.

I looked to my side but what shocked me was that Ray wasn't there. I looked around then I heard a thump from down stairs. I ran out of the room and saw Ray sitting on the floor with the cat on his lap and books around him.

"Ray what happened I heard something fall"? Ray looked at me with a smile and shook his head. "I jumped down the stairs but I'm ok". I sighed but nodded. "I'm glad your ok but still I wish you would tell me if you need to go downstairs, I worry about you you know".

Ray nodded "I understand sorry norman". I nodded and went back to are room to change and get ready.

Only 2 more days until the potion wears off. I wonder if ray will remember any of this.

Once i got ready i started the new normal routine of geting food for both myself and Ray and geting into the car to leave. We stopped by a store to pick up a new lego set and we went to the school.

Once they got there Ray sat in his seat at the teachers desk and started messing with his new toys.

I knew I spoiled Ray a bit to much but i really wanted to make this a bit more enjoyable then his actual childhood. Once i finished seting up the room he went to sit down until i heard my door slam open. I looked up from my computer to see Maria.  She had a big smile and a small book in her hands.

"Um yes"? I asked and Maria walked over swaying her hips a little bit as she walked. "So I had this thought In my head for awhile ok". I sighed but nodded to let her speak. "So this kids your little brother riiight". I nodded again. "WRONG".

I was startled by her sudden yell but she continued. "I did some research and I'd like for you to explain to my why you 'brother' dosnt look a bit like you and insted looks exactly like you boyfriend ray"!

Oh no....

"Boyfriend "? Ray said tilting his head to show his confusing. Maria had a evil smile on her face and I glared at her. "Its nothing and Maria i don't like the fact you were trying to look into my private life".

he's a...child norrayWhere stories live. Discover now