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Day 3

Normans pov

I was walking down the stairs when I smelt something really good.

When I got to the bottom I looked into the kitchen and saw my boyfriend Ray  reading the back of a box and he had bowls and some ingredients spread out on the counter.

I snuck up behind him and hugged his waist. "Good morning my love" I said and kissed his cheek. "Morning" he answered and smiled at me. "Whatcha making"? He handed me the box and I saw he was making chocolate chip cookies.

"Need some help"? I asked him and he smiled and nodded then started instructing me on what to put in the bowls. We had alot of fun backing and even got each other a bit dirty with flour.

After we put the pan in the oven we both went to the living room and I sat down on the couch and he laid on top of my with his face in my chest.

"I love you ray" I told him suddenly. He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you to" he answered then he kissed me. We both smiled at each other until a loud noise broke through the air and I opened my eyes.

I looked around and saw I was in my bedroom with my alarm going off. "It was just a dream". I looked over and saw 6 year old Ray sitting with his hands over his ears so I shut off the alarm clock. 

"Why was that thing so loud" Ray complained. "Sorry about that it was just my alarm clock telling me I need to wake up". Ray sighed and went to go back to sleep but I stopped him. "Nope we can't go back to sleep right now we have to go somewhere". Ray whinned and I smiled. "If you are good again today ill tell you more of the story". He sighed but nodded. I grabbed my clothes and picked out some clothes for him. We both got dressed and headed down to make breakfast. 

After breakfast I told Ray to grab a plastic bag from the pantry and gather up his books. He nodded and left so I grabbed a lunch box and some left overs from last night. I grabbed another lunch box and put some snacks and more leftovers inside for Ray. I grabbed my work bag and put the lunchboxes inside as Ray walked back to me with a plastic bag and his books inside. " Thank you ray now can you please put you shoes on or do you need help"? Ray shook his head and ran to were we store the shoes. I brought both bags over to the entrance of the house and saw Ray standing with his shoes on but they were strangly tied.

I chuckled and put the bags down. I motioned for Ray to come to me and he did so I started re tying his shoes. After I finished I handed Ray his bag and we both left.

"Were are we going"? Ray asked. "We are going to were I work at but first we are going to the store". Ray nodded and looked out the window.

Once we got to the store I brought Ray with me to the toys section. "OK ray i want you to pick out two items but they can't be more then 20$". Ray nodded and started walking down the aisle".  He spotted the stuffed animals and saw a cat that looked just like shadow. "Can I have this one"? He asked showing it to me. I nodded and he smiled and hugged it close and continued looking around. He the spotted a lego set and I nodded so he picked that up as well. I knew I didn't have to worry about him swallowing one because he was alot smarter then to do something like that.

I paid for the toys and we both got back into the car. Ray put the legos In his bag but kept ahold of the cat.

Once we got to the school building I brought Ray to the office were my boss was. Once my boss saw me and Ray he smiled. "Good to see you back Norman and you must be his little brother whats your name son". Ray looked up at him. My boss was the principle and he was very tall and plump. I could tell Ray was afraid so I petted his head and gave him a smile.

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