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"Norman......love.....norman.... darling..."

I opened my eyes to see...nothing.

I looked over to my alarm clock on the night stand next to me. 7:00

I looked around. No sign of little ray...or my ray...anywere.

I got up and snuck downstairs to smell something. I looked into the kitchen and see a beautiful sight.


He turned to look at me with a smile. "Good morning darling". I ran into his arms and cuddled mY face Into his shoulder. "Ray I've missed you so much".

"What do you mean"?

I looked into his eyes were they showed confusion. "You don't remember "?

Ray shrugged. "Remember what"? I sighed and put my head back on his shoulder. "Dont worry about it love. I'll tell you soon but please can we just cuddle for awhile"?

Ray giggled and grabbed my hand leading me to the couch. I laid down with him on my chest. I played with his hair while he wrapped his arms around my body.

"Ray I love you so much". Ray looked up at me with a smile. "I love you to".

"Ray can we have a baby"?

"Daaaaaad papaaa". A voice called. I walked upstairs to my daughter's room. "Yes angel what did you need"?

Angel was 6 years old with black hair and blue eyes. Ray soon came into the room holding are son Nathan who was 1. He had white hair and green eyes.

"I wanted to show you a drawing I made" angel said jumping up and down. " OK sweetie show us". She pulled out a pice of paper that had little figures two having black hair and two with white.

"I drew a picture of are family". I smiled at angel and picked her up and kissed her cheek. "It looks great sweetie I'll hang it on the fridge". Ray giggled and nodded. "It looks good honey".

"Thank you dad and papa". We both nodded while I took Nathan into my arms while Ray hung the picture on the fridge.

Ray and I started cooking dinner while Nathan and angel were coloring on a small table we have for them. Once we finished we set out the food on the table and got angel and Nathan who had woken up. Ray fed Nathan while angel was talking through most of dinner. After dinner we went to the living room and cuddled into the blankets we set out awhile ago.

Ray set up the baby monitor and put it next to the couch as he went to the bedroom to put Nathan to sleep. Once he finished he came back out and laid on my chest and wrapped us in a blanket while angel sat in her chair a little ways away. We turned on a movie and watched.

When the movie was over angel was yawning but not asleep yet. "OK its time for bed". I said picking her up. "But papa I'm not tired". Ray walked up to us and kissed her forehead. "Well dad and papa are so its time for bed".

Angel winned. "Your only tired because you guys are old". THIS LITTl- SHE CALLED ME OLD. Ray rolled his eyes and we both took angel to her room and tucked her in. "Goodnight darling". We said and she pouted. "Dad papa Im not tired". Ray giggled and kissed her forehead. "Welp were tired and it's 10:00 so goodnight".

Ray turned to me and kissed me before heading out we heard a "eww" from angel and we both laughed. 

We got into bed and cuddled more. "I love you ray". Ray smiled and nodded. "Love you to".

This is my family and I would give anything to protect it.

(An This is the end of this story so thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed)

(An This is the end of this story so thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed)

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