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Day 4

" Norman look at that" I was on a walk with my boyfriend through the park. He was pointing out every bird there was and let me tell you there were alot of birds.

"I see it Ray but can we please keep going". Ray nodded and we both continued walking hand in hand.

"MOMMY LOOK IM GOING DOWN THE SLIDE". We looked and saw a little girl call to her mother.

"Wow kids are so cute" Ray said and I nodded. "Maybe when we are older we can adopt a few kids how do you feel about that"?

"Id like that alot". We both nodded then


"Ugh". I turned off my alarm and woke up little Ray. We did are morning routine and got ready to go to my work.

"Thats the second night in a row I had a dream like that I must miss him more then I thought". I mumbled to myself. "What did you say norman"? Ray asked with his shoes on but not tied and his bag with his books and his stuffed animal inside. I shook my head. "Its nothing don't worry about it". Ray nodded and I tied his shoes and we got in the car.

We went to the store and picked up some food for us for lunch and I got Ray another lego set.

Once we got to the school we got the classroom set up and I was helping Ray Build his new lego set.

The bell rang and the students started to come in. A few students said hi to me and Ray but most just continued there conversations.

The day went by smoothly until the concept of LGBTQ+ came up. One of the girls was making homophobic comments to one of the boys who was pan.

"Man why would you wanna ever date someone of the same gender thats disgusting". Ray pointed at them so I could see who said it and I nodded. "Eliza and Tim please come here". They both came to my desk and looked nervous. "Eliza what did you just say to Tim".

"Um I said that dating the same gender is gross because it is don't you think so Mr Norman". I sighed and Tim looked like he was about to cry. "To be honest the only disgusting thing about it is the people who make comments like that". Eliza and tims eyes widened. "You see Eliza I myself am bi and I have a boyfriend so you saying that is rude to me tim and anyone else here who is LGBTQ+ so please if you aren't going to be kind then keep your mouth shut".

Eliza nodded and walked back to her seat but tim stayed and bowed. "Thank you sir and I'm glad to here I'm not the only person who is in this community". I nodded. "Well I think  there are more people in the community and you will be able to find them if you try to talk to them.

Tim nodded and he left to go back to his seat. Ray tugged on my sleve. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend I thought you liked Emma". I shook my head. "I used to like her but I don't anymore". Ray nodded and we continued with are day.

After school Ray put his new lego set next to the set he made yesterday. Now there was a tree house and a boat. "So what do you wanna make tomorrow"?

He shrugged and we walked out of the building

As we were driving home I got an idea. "Hey Ray do you wanna go to the park"? Ray nodded

Once we got there we saw 2 fimilire faces.

"EMMA GILDA" I called and waves them over. Ray hid behind my leg as the two girls ran up to us.

"Hey norman and I'm guessing this is ray" Emma said smiling big. "Don told us what happened I hope you two are ok" Gilda said. I nodded and Emma was trying to get ray to talk to her but he refused.

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