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This is it. The last day with little Ray.

I decided to take the day off to spend with Ray. My boss was ok with it since it was Friday and he had his own family so he understood.

I woke up before Ray and headed downstairs. I wanted to do something special for his last day. I made chocolate pancakes for breakfast since I know how much he loves chocolate. I also had orange juice set up and yesterday before we came home I went to the store and bought him his last set of legos.

When everything was ready I went up stairs to wake up Ray. I saw him rubbing his eyes when I walked in and I smiled.

"Good morning ray". He nodded at me but didn't respond.

"Are you hungry i made breakfast"?

Ray looked up at me with bright eyes. "What did you make"?

"Chocolate pancakes".

When I said that Ray practically jumped out of bed and ran to the stairs. Thats a good way to wake up Ray. Why did mom never try this?

I followed Ray to the stairs and picked him up to carry him down. He snuggled his face into my neck and I smiled.

Once we got to the kitchen I put him down at the table and started putting the food on to plates. I set them on the table and Ray and I started eating.

"So Ray did you have fun this week"? He nodded and gave me a big smile. "This was the best week ever. But why do you ask that now"?

I shook my head and patted rays head. "No reason". Ray nodded and continued eating. After we finished eating I took the plates and washed them. "Norman don't we have to go to the school place"?

I shook my head and smiled at him. "Nope today we can just hang out and do whatever you want". Ray looked a bit confused with what was going on but he also looked exited.

Ray jumped off the chair and hugged my legs while I patted his head. "So what do you want to do today"?

Ray looked thoughtful for a minute but then ran into the living room and came back with the new lego set I bought him. "Can we build this one together please"?

I dried my hands and nodded. "Of course let's go to the table to build it". Ray nodded and we put the legos on the table then sat down.

After about 2 hours we finished the set. A giant house with a pool.

After I told Ray a little bit about the escape. I told him what happened with when I got shiped out and when we reunited. He almost cried a few times but I would tell him something good when he got a look like that. After a hour of talking I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and answered the door with Ray hiding behind my leg. It was mom and don.

"Hey norman". Don greeted. "Hello son" mom said then when she saw Ray she smiled at him. I hugged them both and let them inside. It was rare for mom to visit me so she looked around a little bit while don just ploped down on the couch.

"Norman you look to be doing well in your circumstance". Mom commented and I nodded. "Yeah things have been going better then I thought they were".

"How do you deal with sleepy Ray though? I remember he was quit the stubern kind when tired". I giggled

"I learned to just give him food and he will corporate well". Mom chuckled and I felt a tug at my pants.

I looked down and saw Ray pouting at me.

"Yes Ray? Did you need something"? Ray made grabby hands and mom chuckled. "I remember when he was a kid you emma and him used to cuddle all the time. I'm happy to see he kept his cuddly attitude".

I giggled and nodded while picking Ray up and putting him on my lap. "Even when he's not like this he still has a very cuddly attitude. Don't tell him I told you that though he'd be pissed".

Mom giggled as well and little Ray glared at me. Don sat on the floor infront of me and Ray and tried petting rays head. "Ray never let me touch him before maybe now-".

Ray saw dons hand reaching for his head and kicked it. Don yelped out and pulled his hand back. "Ray"! Mom and i said and Ray just chuckled evil like.

"Anyway what are you two doing here"? I asked . "We just came to check up on things since we know ray will be back to normal soon". I nodded. "Yeah rays been a bit if a handful but he's not as bad as I thought he'd be". Mom and din nodded and soon left.

"Wait im going back to normal soon"? Ray asked and I nodded. "Yeah soon you'll be all better". Ray looked down and sniffled a little bit. "But I'm having fun the way I am...I don't want this to end".

I hugged Ray close and put my head on top of his. "I know. I am having alot of fun with you to... but there's nothing we can do now". Ray turned around and hugged me. I could feel him shaking a little so i patted his head. "T-thats why you t-took today off. Today's my l-last day isn't it"? I frowned but answered yes.

It must be scary for him. Knowing your not supposed to be here but you are anyway and when your having fun it just ends. I feel bad. I'm exited for my Ray to come back to me but I feel bad for this Ray to have to leave.

"Hey Ray for dinner do you want to help me cook again"? Ray looked up at me with tear filled eyes but wiped them away and nodded. I picked him up and took him to the kitchen.

I put him on the counter and handed him a cookbook. "You can look through that and decide what we should make". I told him and he nodded.

After a bit he pointed to a picture and i nodded. I didn't have all the ingredients so we both headed to the store together. We picked up the ingredients we needed and I grabbed some extra things.

We saw Maria in a isle and when she saw us she glared and fliped her hair and walked away. "She's one thing I won't miss" I heard Ray saw in my arms. I chuckled and we went and cheacked out.

On the car ride back it was quite. Ray was looking out the window enjoying the car ride.

When we got home we started cooking. Ray was reading and stirring while I did the stove work. After we finished we ate are last dinner together.

After dinner I went back into the kitchen with Ray still at the table confused until I pulled something out of the oven.  A giant chocolate cake.

His eyes sparkles as I put a slice out for him. "I hope it tastes good. You were always the better cook then me". Ray and I both giggled and Ray took a bite. His eyes sparkled for a bit then he stared eating faster like he hadn't eaten in days.

"Dont eat so quickly hun you don't want to choke". Right after I said that Ray started to cough so I ran to the fridge and got him some water. After he drank it he was better.

When he finished his cake he yawned.

"Tired"? I asked and he shook his head. "Nope I'm wide awake and I ain't going *yawn* to sleep anytime *yawn* soon". I sighed I know why he's doing this.. he wanted to be with me like this as long as possible but with him being a young child he needs sleep.

"Ray let's go to bed we don't have to sleep but we should get ready". Ray frowned but nodded so I picked him up and carried him upstairs to get us ready.

When we were ready for bed I laid down and he climbed up to me and laid next to me with his head in my chest.

"Hey norman will it hurt when I turn back"? I shook my head. " I doubt you'll feel a thing". Ray nodded and yawned again.  "Thank you for everything norman". I nodded and started playing with his hair as he started to drift off to sleep.

"You don't have to thank me. Its what anyone would do".

"Not really. I think there would be plenty of people who wouldent care".

"Even so there are still alot of good people in this world and I can't wait until you can experience it again".

Ray nodded one last time before drifting off to sleep me soon following

"Goodnight ray and goodbye".

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