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Day 2

Normans pov

It was the second day of Ray being a child. I woke up and Ray was asleep curled up to my side like a kitten. I smiled and got up. I took a shower and got dressed and made some breakfast. When I went back upstairs I saw Ray crying.

"Ray whats wrong are you hurt"? I asked running up next to him. "Norman I thought...you left me...when I woke up you...weren't there". I pulled Ray into my arms and hugged him. He hugged me back and continued to cry. I rubbed his back until he calmed down. "Dont worry Ray I'm right here I'm not going anywere".

After Ray calmed down I brought him downstairs to eat breakfast.  Instead of sitting in his own chair though he instead sat on my lap. "Feeling better"? He nodded and I pulled his plate over so it was infront of us.

It was kinda weird having him eating on my lap but it was fine and to be honest really cute. I ate some food before he woke up so I played with his hair while he ate.

Ray and I both graduated early because of how intelligent we were and he was working on becoming both a ather and a photographer while I was training to be a school teacher. I had called my work place and said I wouldn't be coming in today because I had to watch my little brother and my boss said it was fine but I had to be there tomorrow and that it was fine if I brought Ray with me. So if I can't get a cure for him today he'll probably have to deal with a bunch of older kids. I was working with 7th graders right now.

"I'm done" Ray said and looked up at me. I smiled to him and place him on the floor and I grabbed his plate and walked over to the sink.its kinda hard without Ray being here. Usually we split chores and when I cook he would do dishes and when he cooks I do dishes but now that he's like this I have to do both and watch him to make sure he dosnt get hurt.

I looked at Ray for a second and it looked like he was playing with shadow so I looked back to the sink and started washing dishes. When I was almost done I got a weird feeling like something was wrong so I turned off the water and when I did I herd a loud *THUMP* I immediately Ran to were the noise came from and I started to here whimpers.

"RAY ARE YOU OK" I saw him in the living room sitting in between the couch and a small table we had holding his head with tears in his eyes. "Oh no what happened" I said and walked over to him. "I-i was playing w-with kitty and I f-fell and hit my head on the t-table". I sat infront of him and he was still holding his head trying not to cry.

"Ray can you come to me please I need to check if your hurt badly". Ray nodded and removed his hands to see blood on them. He screamed and covered his head again. I pulled him onto my lap and tried to pry his hands away. I knew he was trying to stop the bleeding and the pain but I needed to see how deep the cut is. "Ray baby please move your hands I can't help you if I can't see". Ray was crying and not letting go of his head.

I ran through all my memories with Ray ever having a panic attack before but normally kissing him and cuddling would be enough to mostly calm him down but little Ray was in pain and scared and I couldn't treat him like I treat my boyfriend. I then got an idea. I started to hum moms lullaby.  It took a bit but ray started to listen to my humming and seemed to instantly calm down. As he was calming down I was able to slip his hands away from his head and check for were it was bleeding. Thankfully it was just a small scratch that already started to heal so I didn't have to worry. Once I finished humming Ray was cuddled into my chest almost asleep.

I rubbed Rays back and kissed his head on the scratches.  "Norman I'm sleepy" Ray said his high pitch voice very quite.

"Its ok you can sleep if you want". Ray nodded and I picked him up and brought him to are bed. I tucked him in and he instantly fell asleep.

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