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First Name- Sofia

Last Name- Riggs

Nickname- Mother

Nationality- American

Organization- Ghost Recon

Role- Team leader


Primary- LVOA-C

Secondary- P226

Equipment- Frag, smoke

Appearance- puts hair in a ponytail during missions, let's hair down off duty

Birthplace- Fox, Alaska

Age- 32

Height- 5'6

Weight- 160

Background- Growing up Sofia learned how to shoot at a young age to keep up with her older brother. Spent most of her life in the outdoors where she would disarm traps placed by hunters or poachers. Despite several warnings she continued to free animals, believing that it was a coward's way of hunting.

Convinced by a former lover she joined the military. Both Sofia and partner deployed to Iran. She befriended a child during tour and would treat them like her own. Partner and child both died during suicide bomber attack off duty.

Rising through the ranks she eventually made it to the Special Forces. With three successful joint task force missions she was initiated into the Ghosts. She quickly made a name for herself as a ghost. Kilo squad occasionally calls her "mother".

Personality- Loving and caring. She treats her team as if they were her own children. Always there to help them out with anything. Has never took interest in a romantic life after the incident. Rarely goes home to visit family.

Notes- has a swear jar for he team, currently up to $5298.

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