Chapter 3

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September 17, 2021
6:40 am

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I woke up by the sound of my name being called, I looked at Massimo, quickly sat up, and bring the blanket to cover up my chest since I slept in a tank top and my cleavage is very visible.

" Today is your lucky day. You get to leave out of your room. "

" What? "

" You get to leave out of your room. I'm going to see how you behave, this is your only chance so don't fuck it up. "

I nod my head and he said " Don't even think about escaping. I have men everywhere. "

" I won't. "

" What would you like to do? Cook or clean? "

" Cook. "

There's no way I'm going to clean. You know how big this place is?

" Get dressed. I'm going to send Isabella to take you to the kitchen. "

" Okay. "

He walked out of the bedroom, I let out a sigh, got off the bed, grabbed the duffel bag, walked over to the bathroom, and do my routine. Once I am done, walked over to the bedroom, Isabella looked at me and said " Good morning. "

" Good morning. "

" How did you sleep? "

" Good what about you? "

" I slept okay, are you ready to go? "

I nod my head and said " Yeah, I am. "

We walked out of the bedroom, two men moved out of the way, Isabella looked at them and said " You two are dismissed. "

They nod their heads, walked away, Isabella looked at me and said " Follow me. "

I followed her, we stopped at the kitchen, this lady looked at me and said " Buongiorno. "

I looked at Isabella and she said to her " Lei non parla italiano. "

( A/n: Translation: She doesn't speak Italian. )

She nod her head and said " Hi, I'm Alessia. Sorry, my English is not very good. "

" It's okay, I'm Jasmine. "

" Nice to meet you. Do you know how to cook? "

I nod my head and said " Yes, I do. "

" Okay. " She told me what we are gonna make and we get started on cooking.

" Well, well, well look who we have here? Ms. Stutters, how are you? "

" Good. "

" What do you want Dante? " Isabella said.

" Just wanted to see how she is, that's all. "

To be honest with you, he scares me.. A lot..

Isabella walked over to the pantry, Dante looked at me and said " If I was Massimo, I would've kept you in the basement. That's where you belong. You would love it there. "

" What is in the basement? "

He chuckled and said " Let's just say, you're not going to be nosey again after we are done with you. "

My eyes widened, Alessia said something to Dante in Italian, he respond back, looked at me and said " See you around Ms. Stutters. " and walked away.

I looked at Alessia and said " What did you told him? "

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