Chapter 24

874 23 4

November 26, 2021
10:30 am

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I woke up, let out a yawn, looked up at the ceiling, and heard my phone received a notification. I turned to my side, grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and saw a message from Massimo:

Massimo: Good morning bellissima, how did you sleep?

Me: Good morning amore, I slept good. How about you?

Massimo: I slept okay, wish you were here so I can cuddle with you. What are your plans for today?

Me: Awww I wish I was there cuddling with you. I don't have any plans. Do you?

Massimo: I don't have any plans. Do you want to go eat to brunch with me? I saw this place and I want to take you there.

Me: Yeah, sure. I know just the place.

Massimo: Great, I'll pick you up in 30. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I set my phone down on the nightstand, got off the bed, do my routine and walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

I grabbed my phone along with my purse, walked out of the bedroom, made sure that Avva has food and water before leaving the house

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I grabbed my phone along with my purse, walked out of the bedroom, made sure that Avva has food and water before leaving the house. I heard the doorbell rang, I walked over the front door, opened the door, smiled at Michele and said " Hey amore. "

He smiled at me and said " Hey bellissima, you look beautiful. "

I smiled and said " Thank you, you look good in casual clothes. "

He smiled and said " Thank you, you ready to go? "

I nod my head and said " Yes, I am. "

I walked out of the house, locked the door behind me, Massimo cupped my face with his hands, leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pulled away from the kiss, looked at me and said " Let's go. "

Dante and Francesco are sitting down in the car, Massimo and I are walking to the car, he opened the door for me, I thanked him and stepped in.

He stepped in after me, closed the door, I greeted Dante and Francesco, they greeted me back, Massimo told Dante where to go and we are on our way.


We arrived at the restaurant, I looked out of the window and Massimo said " Have you ever gone to this restaurant? "

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