Chapter 10

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October 15, 2021
8:20 am

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I woke up, let out a yawn, got off the bed, and do my routine. I walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

I walked out of my room to the kitchen, greeted Alessia, she greeted me back and she said " How did you sleep? "

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I walked out of my room to the kitchen, greeted Alessia, she greeted me back and she said " How did you sleep? "

" Good, and you? "

" Good also. "

I looked at what she's cooking and said " The food smells delicious. "

She smiled at me and said " Thank you. "


I am here in the living room watching a show and I heard " Hey Jasmine. "

I turned around and saw Luciano and said " Hey. "

" Wanna go shopping? "

" Sure, but would Massimo let me? "

He nod his head and said " Yeah, I asked him. He said yeah. "

" Okay. " I got up from the couch and turned off the tv.

" Before we go, can you put this on? "

He gave me this bag, I looked what's inside and it's a blonde wig, and I said " Yeah, sure. Be right back. "

I walked over to the bathroom, put on the wig, it looks really good, it fits me well. I walked out of the bathroom to the living room, he looked at me and said " The wig looks good on you. "

I smiled and said " Thank you. "

" You're welcome. Let's go. "

" Wait, I don't have money. "

" That's fine, it's on me. "

" Okay. "

We walked out of the house to his car, there's a driver stepped in, we stepped in the car, there's a group of men stepped in the two cars behind Luciano's.

I looked at Luciano and said " Are they coming with us? "

" Yes, they are. " He gave me some sunglasses, I put them on and we are on our way to the mall.

I looked at the window as we drove and said " Wow, it looks so beautiful. "

" Yeah, I decided to take you out of the house so you can see how Italy looks. "

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