Chapter 9

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October 6, 2021
7:30 am

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I woke up, saw Massimo sleeping next to me, he is facing me, his arm wrapped around me, I blushed, and bring my hand to his cheek.

Lightly caressed it, leaned in, kissed his forehead, pulled away, and looked at him. Moved my hand away from his cheek, kissed his cheek and go back to sleep.

~ Massimo's POV ~

I woke up, Jasmine is sleeping next to me, she is facing me, I bring my hand to her cheek, and lightly caressed it. I looked down at her lips, bite down my bottom lip, moved my hand away from her cheek and kissed it.

I pulled away, moved her close to me, she shifted, rest her head on my chest, wrapped her arm around me, kissed her hair, pulled away and fell back to sleep.

A few minutes later, I woke up by someone threw a pillow at me, I jumped up, quickly grabbed the gun from the pillow and heard Isabella said " Put that shit away. "

I looked at her and said " What the fuck are you doing here? "

I looked at Jasmine, she is still sleeping, and Isabella said " I just wanted to let you know that Mom and Dad are here. Dad is asking for you. "

" I'll be right there. "

" Okay. " She walked away.

I let out a sigh, put the gun in my sweatpants pocket, lightly shooked Jasmine and said " Bellissima? "

She didn't wake up, I shooked her again, she moved her head away from my chest, looked at me and I said " I gotta go to a meeting, I'll be right back. "

She nod her head, I kissed her forehead, she go back to her side of the bed, go back to sleep, I got out of bed and walked out of the room to my office.

I saw my Dad and Luciano, they are sitting down on the couch, I walked over to them and said " What's going on? "

Luciano looked at me and said " I got a DNA test on Jasmine and it said well, here. "

He gave me the envelope, I opened it, grabbed the results, and it said that it's a match. Jasmine is really Luciano's daughter.

I sat down on the living chair, set the envelope on the coffee table and Luciano said " I need to call Ximena. It's been bugging me ever since I saw Jasmine. I need to know why she didn't tell me. Did Jasmine leave her number anywhere? "

" I think so. " I got up from the living chair and walked over to my desk.

I unlocked a drawer, grabbed Jasmine's envelope that has her information on it, and opened it. Grabbed the papers, looked through them and found her Mom's number.

" Here it is. " I set the paper down on the desk.

Luciano quickly got off the couch, walked over to the desk, got out his phone, dialed her number and called her.

I put the paper back in the envelope, put it back in the drawer and locked it.

" You want us to leave? " My Dad said to him.

" No, I want you guys to stay here. "

I sat down on the office chair and heard Luciano's conversation.

~ Luciano's POV ~

The phone rang, I put it on speaker, I sat down on the couch next to Natale.

Ximena: Hello?

Me: Ximena?

Ximena: * Silence *

Me: Hello?

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