Chapter 16

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November 5, 2021
4:30 am

~ Massimo's POV ~

I woke up by the feeling of Jasmine pulling on the blanket and said " Stop hogging the fucking blanket! "

I looked at her and said " I'm not hogg- "

" Yes, you are. I'm fucking cold. "

" If you're cold, come here so I can keep you warm. "

I felt her move, she cupped my face with her hands, kissed my lips, and I kissed her back. She pulled away from the kiss, rest her head on my chest, I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her hair, and we fell back to sleep.

8:40 am

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I woke up, let out a groan, hold onto my stomach, turned to look at Massimo, he is sleeping. I felt my eyes start to water and cried a little due to the pain.

Fuck, this hurts so much. I can't get out of bed.

I turned around, my back is facing him, hold onto the pillow, and cried into it. I felt Massimo wrapped his arm around me, kissed my hair and said " What's wrong bellissima? "

I turned around to look at him and said " Everything hurts. "

~ Massimo's POV ~

I wiped her tears, kissed her forehead, pulled away, looked at her, she cried on my chest, I rubbed her back with my right hand and checked my phone.

I looked at the date and remember the last time Jasmine had her period.

I kissed her hair, pulled away and said " Do you want me to heat you up a hot water bottle? "

" Yes, but I wanna cuddle first. "

" Okay. "

~ Jasmine's POV ~

Once I calmed down, we got off the bed, he cupped my face with his hands, kissed my forehead, pulled away, looked at me and said " I'll go heat up your hot water bottle, okay? "

" Okay. "

He walked out of my bedroom, I do my routine and walked out of my bathroom wearing comfy clothes.

I grabbed my phone, walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen and I said " Good morning. "

Alessia and my Mom looked at me and said " Good morning. "

Mom looked at my necklace and said " Wow, that's a beautiful necklace. "

I smiled at her and said " Thank you, Massimo gave it to me yesterday on our date. "

" How was your date? "

" It was good, I had a great time. He asked me to be his girlfriend. "

" Does he treat you good? "

" Yes he does. He makes me so happy. "

She smiled at me and said " That's great mija. You deserve to be happy. Here you go, drink your tea. The water for your hot water bottle is heating up. "

I nod my head, Mom set down my tea that I always drink whenever I'm on my period, I took a sip out of my tea and heard " Good morning. "

I turned around, saw Massimo, " Good morning. " We said to him.

He walked over to me and said " Good morning bellissima. "

" Good morning amore. "

He kissed my lips, I kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss and my Mom said " The food is ready, let's eat. "

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