"Are you ready to fuck your first omega, Kook?" Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows, spinning around in my desk chair as I stand in just my underwear and socks, looking for clothes.
I pull out a black, button up shirt that Jimin bought me for interviews and a pair of gray, ripped skinny jeans.
"Well, I should probably get condoms and whatnot, right?" I pull my jeans on and slip on some black shoes. Blowing my hair out of my eyes, I shrug my shirt on.
"Pullout game."
Tonguing the inside of my cheek, I roll my eyes and start to button my shirt. "I know you're joking, but it's not funny. You don't know how stressful a pregnancy scare is."
"And you do?"
I freeze before making a beeline for the bathroom I share with Jimin and open my cabinets, finding them stocked with condoms, lube, and Plan B. There's also stuff to help with heats like pads, absorbent underwear, and other goodies.
Namjoon looks over my shoulder. "Those look like they're sized for you and whatnot. Why do you have condoms and everything if this will be your first time? And Plan B? Aren't you on birth control?" He pokes my arm where I got the implant.
"Haven't always been," I mumble, gripping the box of Plan B with trembling hands.
Last Year
"Jungkook, why are you crying?" Jimin asks, eyes wide as he unlocks my bedroom door.
My eyes water and I turn away. "You're going to call me stupid and irresponsible."
He sits by me on the floor and runs his fingers through my hair. "Not right now. You're crying. Maybe I can help?"
I swallow. "I... I had a guy over last night."
Jimin's eyes shift red and his pheromones spike, so I hesitantly place a hand over his.
"He didn't hurt me. It's just... he wouldn't use a condom. He said he had some, but he lied to me and he... he came inside." I cover my face. "What if I get pregnant?"
The alpha squeezes my thighs. "This happened not long ago, right?"
I nod.
"Okay. I'm going to pick you up some Plan B. You know what that is, right?"
He rubs circles into my thighs. "It's a pill that you take after unprotected sex and it prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg and it also prevents fertilized eggs from attaching to the uterine lining. So it prevents ovulation, basically. It'll keep you from getting pregnant. You take it within seventy-two hours of sex. But in the future, you should be on birth control. Do you have health insurance that covers that?"
"Maybe... my parents were always against things like birth control and abortion..."
"Are you? Do you want help preventing the pregnancy and others or do you want to see what happens?"
I bite my lip and close my eyes. "I... I don't want to get pregnant, but I don't know what to do."
"Good thing I do." He ruffles my hair. "I got you."
My cheeks warm up and I keep my eyes closed. "Could this be expensive?"
"I'll handle it. We'll get you tested for STIs too, just in case. You come first, okay? Next time, you'll be prepared."

Omega for Hire | Jikook ✓
Fanfiction"Am I not the omega of your dreams, Park Jimin?" Park Jimin was calculated. Everything he did was carefully planned and nothing less than perfect. From the clothes he picked out to his academic major, the alpha always aimed to be the very best. Thin...