Chapter 7: Trophy Omega

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I mentally go over my checklist for today as I smooth out my black dress shirt and black slacks with dress shoes. It's just business casual at the office and then we'll be joining my grandmother for dinner, so I don't want one hair out of place.

"Your trophy omega is here." Jungkook announces his arrival and I turn to see him leaning in my door frame with a white dress shirt, black pants, and black dress shoes.

"Tuck your shirt in." I roll my eyes.

He scoffs and follows orders. "Your waist is so small." He looks me over and I roll my eyes.

"So is yours."

"But yours is smaller." He grips it and picks me up. "Small alpha."

"I'm like average height."

"Your vibe is small and cute."

I roll my eyes. "Don't say stuff like that around my grandmother."

Jungkook pouts. "Your grandmother sounds no fun."

While the younger is still holding me up, I fix his hair with my fingers and boop his nose. "Your makeup looks nice."

He blushes. "I didn't think you'd notice."

"Of course I would. It's not a regular occurrence either. Thank you for taking this so seriously."

My feet make contact with the floor as Jungkook sets me down. "Do I look alright?"


Jungkook smiles widely and grabs my hand. "We gotta go. You always said that early is on time. We have to get her to love us and give you that company!"


The omega squeezes my hand as he walks with me around the building, his eyes wide as he takes everything in. He's like a kid in Santa's workshop, bathed in splendor. Each thing seems to impress him, but the food court and recreational center seem to be his favorites.

"Do I get to use the gym since I'm your omega?" Jungkook whispers.

"My grandmother might have something to say about it, but I think I can get you clearance."

He smiles widely and hugs my arm. "I really want to. They even have a pool. You should watch me since I'm not marked. You'll protect me from the big, bad alphas, right, Chimmy?" He drawls, face burrowed in my neck.

"You're strong. You can protect yourself." I keep my voice low.

Continuing to hold my hand and hug close to me, he takes his free hand and rubs up and down, squeezing my arm. "Jimin, what your omega wants, your omega gets. Do I not deserve to be spoiled? Do you not want to see me spent and sweaty? Do you not want to see me push my limits, putting a show on for my alpha~?"

The omega's pheromones start to hang thick in the building, but the purifiers start to work. However, since he just finished his heat and he's being particularly extra, it does affect the people in close vicinity and multiple pairs of red and yellow eyes mentally undress my roommate as they lick their lips.

"Jungkook, stop it," I whisper.

Jungkook seems to be spurred on by the audience and he giggles, nuzzling my neck to hide his lips' movement.

"Make me."

I keep a smile on my face toward the brunet for appearances before my eyes shift red and I look each and every person ogling Jungkook in the eyes.

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