SuP bItChEs

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Hellooooooo I am your lovely chaotic likely adhd author Percy/Blu (yes I have two names i will explain later)!!!!!!!!!!!

I know yall just love me so very much already/j. so basically im just giving random info that i think must be known.

BASICALLY I just want to tell you a bit about me and what to expect concerning me with this story.

So to start I will tell you the most needed thing, I WILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE REGULARLY BUT DONT COUNT ON IT. basically even tho I am writing chapters beforehand I dont know how to be regular at schedules. If yall wanna help remind me then just simply be like "bestie fucking update or your kneecap privilages are gone" in the comments :) but please only do that if its been three weeks or more since last update.


Third, I read everyone's comments and do my best to reply to people.

Fourth, am trans guy have a name problem name A.) Blu name B.) Percy no preference I like both I'm just gay I may add more names on my list eventually. 🥲

Fifth, I will write random little notes in parentheses in chapters, its because i dont know how to not voice random little thoughts if I find them funny or important in my eyes. I will ask that you dont say anything rude about them but I will encourage you to reply to them if you wish.

Sixth, My comments are a safe space, meaning that I'd prefer no trauma dumping (if you need to vent/trauma dump you are welcome to dm me [although im not the best with emotions]just pre-warn me beforehand), nothing rude directed at any real people (however if its to a character in the story whos being a dick then its fine), No huge wars (small funny arguments are completely fine), swear words are fine just as long as its not to the point where its out of hand, if you are going to tease people make sure they are ok with it and make it clear its only teasing not super serious (im fine with being teased btw under these conditions), and just all around dont be a dick use common sense.

Seventh, If there is a spelling error dont make fun of it just simply say "hey author you fucking idiot (/j) its ____ not ____" or something like that

Eighth, If yall are wondering my pronouns are he/it/end/void/souls, yes I use neo and xeno pronouns have a problem with it? Then leave. Xenopronouns are in NO WAY offensive to the trans community and they help me to feel safe and comfortable in my body. UPDATE: These are no longer my pronouns, i use he/they/xe now. The only reason I'm not rewriting this bit is because i think its important to keep this note in as my view on this topic has not shifted and anyone who thinks differently is unwelcome here.

Ninth, I am an American middle school white bitch, meaning i will sound very American although im trying my best to sound like i know what yall say in the UK and also i will like have total ass grammar so yeah.

Tenth, as rude as I may seem I promise a good amount of the time im not like that i just have a bitchy personality

Eleventh, I love and appreciate everyone of you, but as much as I would love being like "omgs ty for ___ reads!!" I tend to forget/ not know how to go about it. So just know if I hit a milestone just know that im thankful!! and if you would like you may comment a congratulation and I will say thank you from there because I find one on one interactions easier :D

Twelfth, Im doing my best not to copy other peoples work but I do get inspiration from other people so if you see something that seems a little too familiar please tell me what exactly its from and I will go over it and change it if I feel it needs changing.

Thirteenth, I dont know the full list of tws yet so I will put them chapter by chapter and when i completely finish the story i will come back and edit them in here right there ↙ so yeah!

Fourteenth, I know the a/ns at the bottom of the chapters may seem VERY formal and awkward, I geuss i seem formal when Im nervous and the fact that im going to publish this gives me the EvEr So LoVeD aNxIeTy. so yeah just know that if it seems formal don't comment on that i am trying my best :)

Fifteenth, I will make really random references to things whether it's a vine, some random quote from a book I like, or maybe Greek Mythology. I always tend to say random things so yeah

Sixteenth, if you guys want to recommend books to each other than I'll ask you do it right here and tag eachother. So like an example of that happening would be if someone were to compare this to another FF they read (which I'm fine with btw) and someone else were to ask for the name of it you come back here and tag the person with the name of the book and the author. Ik it's not efficient but I just don't want random book recommendations everywhere. Also if you have some random one that you thought was good then comment it here without context because why the fuck not. :)

Anyway here are ages for characters


Random things to know:
Wilbur was adopted when he was 6 Techno when he was 8 (1 year apart)

Techno's dad was an alcoholic and his mom left when he was a baby. And Wilburs parents weren't ready to take care of a kid.

Mental health problems/just problems to serve as a partial tw (Phil's kids only cuz those are the only truly relevant ones in this)
Tommy- an ED, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and anger management problems.
Wilbur- ED recovery, anxiety, drug/alcohol addiction, and extreme asshole disease.
Techno- PTSD, minor anger issues, BPD (be aware I'm not 100% sure what someone with BPD is like but I will try my best to get stuff like that right), insomnia

That's all for now :) thank you guys I'll get on with the story now thanks everyone

-Percy/Blu 💜

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