oh shit- [2]

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//tws- throwing up, self hate//

~Puffys POV Ya didn't see that coming huh?~

I heard the door open and looked up from my computer to see Phil walk in the room and make a quick wave to me, I obviously waved back then glanced at Tommy. Looking at Tommy I saw for a split second something I had never seen from him during any of these get to know me sessions, he almost looked calm for a few moments, content it seemed. It made me happy to see him like that but Tommys comforting emotion soon faded when Phil said the simple words.

"Hi Tommy!"

Then in the young boy's eyes I saw the feeling of fear settling back into play.He stood there for a moment to let the all too familiar sensation sink in.

"Hi.... sir"

Tommy and Phil shook hands quickly and both sat down.

"So Tommy" I said "would you like to tell Phil about yourself?"

He looked at me almost silently pleading to let him out of this. This happens every time and as much as I would love to let him go free and run around with Ranboo, I can't. I gave Tommy a look to tell him 'just try?' He sighed and nodded then turned to phil.

"Uh well, Im Thomas Simons- sorry you already knew that- um well im 14....and-" Tommy went very pale all of a sudden "i- uh im sorry-" He quickly got up and ran out

~Tommys POV~

I ran. I ran away from the man that could have been my new dad- no what am I saying why would somebody want me? But I still ran. Oh for the love of the queen, Puffy is going to be so disappointed in me!

But I still ran, and who the hell knows why but I did. Oh no I can already feel it, I'm gonna throw up.
I barely made it to the bathroom before I emptied out my stomach from the single fourth of a waffle and quarter cup of orange juice I had for breakfast. God this fucking sucks.

After my stomach was completely emptied out is stood up and walked to the sink to rinse out my mouth and regain my composure
"Damnit I'm such an idiot why did I do that!"

I looked up at the mirror and stared at every single one of my flaws. The way my nose was curved how disgustingly fat I was the way my posture was the most horrendous thing to be on this planet, how I resembled a pig near exactly, but worst of all. All I could see was some lousy piece of shit.
(All that felt wrong to type because Tommy is quite literally one of the most perfect humans-)

Sighing I walked out of the bathroom trying to avoid myself and I walked back to Puffy's office.

~3rd person pov with puffy and phil~

Phil was worried as was puffy. That didn't take much to figure out. What did though was what happened to the lanky blond boy who left in the blink of an eye.

Phil was bombarding puffy with questions concerning the young boy he just met. Things like "is he ok" "what happened" "is this normal" "did I do something wrong?" "He isn't sick is he" stuff like that and all puffy was able to answer was "I don't know". You see Philza was a man easy to read so there was no doubt everyone could tell he would give his own life in this moment to just know that Thomas Simons was alright.

Now yes as crazy that may seem for some 38 year old (just made that up lmao I had no clue wtf to put) to be this anxious for a 14 year old he only just met, yet the moment Phil walked inside the room and saw Tommy he knew that he wanted to bring him home with him. What Phil saw was a kid who needed someone, a child who was forced to grow up too fast, and a boy who just wanted to feel welcomed somewhere. Phil wanted to be that person for Tommy, Phil wanted to try and give him his childhood back, Phil wanted to make him feel welcome. So that's what he was going to do, that's what Phil Watson was determined on doing.

Puffy on the other hand was doing her best to get a hold of Tommy. she had spam texted him she had alerted the other staff to keep their eye out for him, yet there had been no sign of him yet. She was worried, In her 8 years of knowing Tommy he had never done anything like this, it was very out of character for him.

"Uh, Cara?"

"Yes Phil?"

"Look I know Tommy and I haven't even spoken any but I want to foster him, if that's something he would like"

"Yeah of course, I'll ask him what he thinks when he comes back in here l, I'm sure he'll say yes of course, then we can go from there."

Phil nodded and they went back to silence.

~Back to Tommy's Pov :)~

Walking to Puffy's office was harder the 2nd time around then the first. It's like the first time it was all like "of shit here we go I'm going to be rejected again whether it be right away or not we'll find out" but now it's just all like "damn well I'm not even going to get a chance now".

I don't really know why I'm so disappointed with that now, it's not like this is new for me. It's happened plenty of times but this time I'm just lost ......well that's really un-poggers I guess (istfg I can't spell that word I always spell it like geuss like wtf)

Reaching out towards the door handle took a million years between my shaky hands reaching out towards the shiny metal doorknob. The shiver I feel while my hand closes slowly around the handle. Twist.
Step inside.

"Hi uh sorr-"

Phil jumped up and oh shit-


HI GUYS THIS CHAPTER IS 1023 WORDS WOA. anyway please make sure you have eaten something and drink water it would mean alot to me Ily all and I'm so proud of you guys <3

-Percy 💜

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