It All Hurt [11]

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Tw//  physical fights, blood, slightly detailed descriptions of injuries, lmk as always//

~Thomas the trains POV~

I was woken up to being gently shaked by someone. I opened my eyes to see long pink hair in a loose ponytail with two small braids in the  front dangling over me.

"Morning Tommy, c'mon get ready for school dad's making oatmeal for us"

"Fuck nah i ain't doing school" I quickly rolled over and pulled a duvet  over my head to block the light. It was overall ineffective because the older boy easily pulled my only form of warmth away and easily tossed it on the floor.

"Get up Theseus"

"Fuck you bitch" i mumbled as Techno walked out.

I didn't have much for clothes (AN/ no uniforms cause fuck that shit) so i just threw on my normal red and white long sleeve shirt with some loose blue jeans. It wasn't much but it felt right to me.

I went downstairs silently (this was a habit i had picked up from a few other homes I'd been to) and sat at the chair i had last night. Wilbur was nowhere to be seen while techno was helping phil in the kitchen.

"JEEZ" Phil turned to me clearly not expecting me to be there "mate when did you get there?"

"Just now," I mumbled "sorry i didn't mean to scare you"

"Its all good kiddo, foods almost ready would you mind checking to see if wilbur has his ass up?"

I hesitated "uhh-"

"I'll do it dad, Tommy can you wash these blueberries please?" Thank the gods for Technoblade.


--timeskip, they're at school now--

Look, ive been at this school a while now but it still feels like a first day. Mostly because thanks to a few strings tugged by Phil i was removed from the separate building of special Ed classes. They put me there when i was in year 3 because i was 'too much of a disruption'. Yeah, Right.

But now im in the 'normal kid classes' lord help me for all the slurs I'm about to be called.

My first period is a free period, then i have history with Mr.Jacobs, then Maths with Mr.Halo, English with Mr.Sam, then lunch, then 6th period is choir with Mr.Manifold, then study hall, then my last class is Science with Mr.Skeppy.

This shouldn't be too bad i suppose.

--nother timeskip sorry--

I was running from maths to English going down the stairs two at a time. I was about to get on the last flight when something pulled me back and i landed on the ground banging my head into the hard floor.

"Ugh what the fuck" i touched the back of my head and brought it back to my eyes. Blood. I turned to see two boys I'd never seen before glaring at me.

"Who the hell are you" i said sitting up which obviously didn't last long because one of them easily pushed me down with his foot again.

Now this would be fine and dandy if i was like buff or something. However, I am not. Crazy surprise right.

I was in the middle of being punched and kicked when it suddenly stopped. It was weird. I looked up barely able to move my head up.

It was easy to say i was surprised to see a curly haired brunette who smashed my head into the railing just a night before, beating the kids who gave me a massive black eye, bloody nose and at least 20 bruises across my body.

~Wilbur's pov~

(Have you ever felt sad or lonely have you ever felt 2 feet tall?/lyr)

I dont know what went through my mind when I saw those kids beating Tommy up, i just know i was angry.

It was like i was in autopilot watching my body work. I was still there but it was words on paper describing what was happening. All my emotions the way i shoved the two boys on the ground the look of fear and pain on Tommy's face it was all a novel i was reading. It was the type of novel my older brother tries to get me to read but I always decline because I prefer writing.

~back to Tom's POV~

Was he defending me? Was he just angry? What was he doing? Why was he doing it? It was so confusing. The only thing i really know is that it all hurt.


748 words, i originally wanted this to be wayyy longer but i got lost writing it sorry yall.
Also im gonna take a bit off of uploading to write more because i only have half a chapter pre-written when going to Publish this....
Also.thus is bot proofread andi barely remember what i wrote oopsies sorry if it's shit

-blu 💙

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