Terror [9]

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//tw- mention of creepy people, death, mention of alcohol abuse (drinking alot), a bit more into the foster system ig but not much, mentions of abuse and stuff, cancer, nightmare, honestly just be careful cause its a bit heavy, lmk if i missed anything as always//

~Phil's POV~


I was born into a nice family, wealthy enough to survive with more than we ever needed and still try to give back. My parents cared, my grandparents were amazing, and i was being supported and loved.


As school started i struggled a lot to the point i was put into extra help with my school work. It sucked. I didn't like my tutor, she was weird. Always asking about home. It was awkward and i never got all my homework done there.


My father began to drown himself in bottles of whiskey and beer. Im guess he did it cause he likes it but i don't.its almost like that's his son, not me. Hes never my dad anymore. He never wants to watch movies or play games. Im happy he doesn't hit like some people do but it's still scary.


I met a pretty lady this year, shes my partner for year 11 maths. She has the most gorgeous eyes and smile ever. I think im really starting to like her. She so kind and gentle. She has the most bright and happy aura ever. And she looks like a goddess; but not like Venus or Minerva or Juno. She doesn't seem like that type of goddess. Shes so admirable it could kill you. The goddess of death. And her name is Kristen.


She kissed me today!! After a month of dating she kissed me! I probably shouldn't say it yet but i think im in love with her. Remember when i said shes a goddess? She is. And shes my goddess.
On another note i lost my mother. She didn't die. She just...left. now im stuck with him. Its not like hes awful but his addictions have gotten worse. Im trying to convince him to go to rehab but he just wont listen to me.


ADULTHOOOD!! I CAN FINALLY MOVE OUT OF HERE! Im getting a decent 2 bed 1 bath near London area (i dont do geography sue me)! Im planning on asking Kristen to move in with me. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her.


I asked Kris to marry me and she said yes! I am so over the moon! I cannot wait to watch her walk down the isle in a gorgeous gown. Shes my world:).
On an unrelated note i saw a little kid being taken into a police car today with a few bags of stuff. I think he was going to CPS. I want to help kids like him. Give them nice homes. A better family. Fun holidays. Love.


Kristen and i are gonna start going to public foster system related court cases. In an attempt to learn what happens and how we could help any kids that come to us. I hope i can be a better dad than mine was


We're taking the necessary courses taht are required to begin fostering kids!! I am so happy. I hope Kristen is as excited as i am about this. Without her i would be nowhere today. Im not even sure i would be here.


Our first kid was dropped off today! A young boy named William who insists on being called Wilbur. His background is rough but we're trying our hardest to make him feel at home. But he doesn't talk much. They tood us hes been to some...not great homes before. I just want him to know this ones different. He seems to like musc, particularly songs with louder guitars.


Its been a year and after having our small family of 3 and Kristen wanted another kid. So we spoke to Wil and he agreed! Now we have an 8 year old coming in a few days, his name is Technoblade. His dad was an abusive alcoholic, and the social worker didn't mention anything about a mom. That usually means she went MIA.
One of the stressful things about this is the worry, its always stressful trying to be the best dad i can be for my boys. I dont want them to have to go through a whole lot of shit wth me like they did before.


Kristen got diagnosed with breast cancer. Stage 2 quickly progressive. The doctors say she only has a 50-60% chance of survival. Its been hard on all of us. Wil and Tech won't leave her side. The dont want to loose their mom. I dont want to loose my wife. I can't loose her. She may be my goddess but the gods had other plans for her i guess.


We had the funeral today. The boys locked themselves in a room together and i went to the wine cabinet and took out her favorite. I know I should be better and stay sober for my kids but i can't. But I can't be my dad either. So a few glasses wouldn't hurt.


I'm trying my best. I don't know how to do this without her. I love my kids but she helped so much. I have to sign Wil and Techno up for therapy cause wilbur won't eat and is constantly having panic attacks that im not sure how to help with and Tech is lashing out more and not sleeping and i'm trying my absolute hardest for them but i haven't showered in days.


Is starting to get easier. The grief won't go away but now i can say jer name and talk about her without breaking down and i can actually go to her grave now. It doesn't mean that my kids have their mom back though and it doesn't mean everything is magically perfect now.


I've been talking with the kids and now that we have a manageable schedule and a good routine and a life that's almost as close to normal as it can be.  We decided to add one more kid to our family. Techno has been talking about "wantings another sibling thats not as punchable as this hoe".

36 (present).

So now we have Tommy. young kid, shit past. Wilbur seems to not be too fond of him unfortunately. I hope they'll warm up to eachother soon...


I was trying to work on some paperwork for Tommy's school; i was getting to the medical forms when i heard screaming. Something uncommon in our House. It was also a shout I've never heard before. Tommy. And all I heard? Terror.



-blu 💙

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