Toms? [5]

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//TW: eating disorder behavior, self harm, yelling, abuse (?)//

~Tommys POV~

"Hi Tommy" The crazy one said, probably Techno. No way someone with a name as crazy as that would look normal.

"...hi..." The brunette said. He sounds pissed.

"K Tommy mate how 'bout you sit next to Techno I'll sit by Wilbur" Phil said walking over to the brown haired one and sitting down.

I just stood there a second before processing what Phil said and then speed walking to sit next TecNOBlaDE. (prOBlEm thERE nO iS NoT) 

For some reason Wilbur was glaring at me. Did I do something wrong?

Techno was also glaring at Wilbur. What the fuck is happening

Then there was the point that my eyes were attracted to the dinosaur chicken nuggets my stomach yelling to eat them but my brain going in the opposite direction.

"Fat, pig, annoying, ect." It all clouded my brain, but before tears could also cloud my eyes I felt a soft tap on my leg.

"2 chicken nuggets? I know you can do it" a quiet monotone voice whispered into my ear.

I looked over to see gentle yet somehow also fucking intimidating eyes looking at me. Techno gave a slight nod and turned back to his food. I suppose should take that as my cue to do the same.

The chicken nuggets were small enough that 2 couldn't do much right? For the love of the queen! It's only 2 chicken nuggets stop wimping around I'm a big man I can do this!

1 down... 2 down... Stuck in my brain... 5 Nuggies gone... Fries disappearing... WAIT WHAT? Nononono I couldn't have eaten that much...? Shit shit SHIT!

How could I BE SO FUCKING STUPID....stupid....AND IDIOTIC.... idiotic.... GOD I HATE MYSELF.... hate hate hate hate.... FUCK

I could hear two voices bickering so I turned all my attention to that.

"For the gods' sake Wilbur I can feed myself" Wilbur was feeding Techno.

"And? Does it look like I give a fuckity fuck? No." Wilbur started smiling again.

"Now here comes the train, techie, chugga chugga choo choo!" Techno was trying to avoid the fry about to be shoved in his mouth.

"Open your goddamn mouth you pink haired bastard" the brunette started trying harder to shove the food in Technoblade's mouth.

I honestly forgot about everything going through my brain before, this was way to entertaining.

"William move your grubby (THE SUGGESTION WAS GRUBHUB LMFAO) ass fingers out of my face before you don't have fingers"

"Oh no! The Blade is going to rip my fingers away how a horrible fate I've been given! And I've told you to not call me that!"

"Boo hoo go cry about it. What are you 8?" I had to laugh at that. Techno looked over at me and smiled slightly. not much, but to be honest it seems like he doesn't really do that often. Fucking weirdo not smiling.

Techno handed me his steak knife under the table it was like we read each others minds.

When Wilbur brought the fry close to Techno's face again I brought the knife up and sliced the fry in half.

"Welp damn" Wilbur started starting at his mutated fry.

"Fucking looser your fry was killed" techno said

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