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This is a character guide not a fanfic. So it will contain canon information about the character as well as my own interpretations that I have used in my Jason Todd stories.

It's a just for fun thing for me and for you all who are reading it, if you are writing or planning to write a Jason Todd fanfiction, it might be of some help to you in understanding his character as well as the multiple ways you can use and depict the different shades in his personality.

Jason is one of those characters that I wasn't so fond of in the beginning but as I began to write about him, I figured out that he had a lot of potential and with time I began to really like his character too.

I especially loved writing him in Oculus and Crushed Cigarettes as these two are my most favorite Jason centric fanfictions and have received positive feedback so far for which I am very grateful to you all. 

I just thought it would be fun to note down my interpretation of Jason's character through my fanfics and then I am also thinking about designing it in such a way that it becomes a helpful guide for those who are interested in reading or writing about Jason Todd.

I hope this guide turns out helpful for you.

Plus, it might have some exclusive material as well; such as headcanons I come up with, scenes that didn't make the final cut for my Jason Todd fanfics or just one shots based on the character.

So without further ado, let's dive in to the world of this somewhat moody but precious theater nerd.


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