The boy with the biggest brown eyes

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I promised myself I wouldn't write anymore poems about boys who I knew would break my heart but, god you make it so hard. I want to write about how your lips look like the softest rose I've ever seen... And how if I were to fill your collar bones in with water I could swim in them... I want to write about how your laugh reminds me of that of a child's, and maybe because we are just kids ourselves and I'm way over my head.... but no one has ever sung me to sleep and even though you are 600 miles away from me I feel so close to your tanned skin... I'm so comforted by the sound of your voice... and I'm forgetting what its like to sleep alone. God I'm forgetting what its like to feel empty and this scares me.

If your reading this please don't think I've forgotten about your eyes.

Since we met I haven't stopped thinking about the way you make me feel. I find it so easy to find comfort in you. Please remind yourself that I love you more than I love myself and when I seen you cry the first time I felt my heart leave my chest and go to where you are.

I would like to mention that we have Face-timed for about 200 hours combined... I think we could set the world record for the longest call... Lord knows I wouldn't mind looking at you for 64 hours -- hell I wouldn't mind looking at you for 64 years... but there I go jumping the gun, because I still haven't mentioned your commitment issues.

Its hard for me to explain how I'm jealous of your cat when you kiss her on the nose, or how you sleep with your hand wrapped around your pillow... I'm jealous of how close the rain has touched you.

I promised myself I wouldn't write poems about boys who I knew would break my heart... but god you have these brown eyes... these big brown eyes that I feel could tear me to shreds and I've never been in love with something so dangerous... So I'm only asking when you break my heart remember I wrote a poem about you I promised myself I wouldn't.

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