I will not bulid a bridge

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When you broke my heart I didn't blame you. When you told me that you were incapable of loving I just thought "oh it's probably me, nobody ever loved me before." When you left I just thought that you were like everyone else. But you're not...
I am in love with you, even though you ripped out my heart, chewed it up, spit it out, and stomped on it, I still love you. I still fucking love you and I'll never forget what you've given me... Besides this hole in my chest, you gave me weeks of smiles and days that I wouldn't take back for the world, you melted my heart infused it with barbed wire so that every time my heart beats I feel the pain of you being gone... You kissed me in my most tender of places and I can't get over it. I will not build a bridge over us. I cannot just forget you.

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