Chapter 18

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MONTHS HAS PASSED AND SAVVY THEN HAD TO ACT FAST before the The Battle of Dark approached. She was now 17 eons old and she found her significant other and they were both inseparable. The man she gave her heart to was Lance, he was a versatile knight who was highly skilled with an ultra greatsword. He even had a shield blessed upon him by his ancestors and it was a strong medium shield. Cinder approved of him almost instantly when the two became friends and they fought alongside one another with the accompaniment of Cinder. Savvy was happy and so was Lance, so the two of them were sitting in the castle barracks discussing the plan they needed to do to help Savvy get the items she needs to defeat Darksteria. Savvy then said to him, "So, what are we gonna do? We already have the alpha blood, we just need the sword and the chaos hearts." Lance then said to her, "The Divine Knights set out to get them. You needed to stay behind since you could not reveal the truth." She then nodded in agreement and said, "Well, soon I'll reveal myself to her and finish her off." Lance then asked, "What even is this truth that you have to bear on your shoulders there? Is that what troubles you, I mind not?" Savvy then sighed and sat down on the barrack wall and began to speak to him, "DO NOT tell a soul of what I am going to tell you, but anyways, the truth is that I am Lord Veiliandor's daughter which was why I am hidden as Divine Knight.... To be honest with you, it has been giving me troubles but, I am strong and mighty and I'll do whatever it takes to take my mind off it. I am also a goddess since I wield a tyranny soul which means I am able to rule Thuntopia if Lord Veiliandor gets killed off which I hope not! I promised myself to protect her and I am not changing my mind! I can not die Lance, I am immortal due to the amount of blessings I had received from the Gods. No one shall stop me... " Lance then nodded, "Oh my, you are the most powerful being in the land, was that your fate?" She then responded, "Yes, I had to ascend in power. It was the fate given to me by the Gods." Lance then nodded and said, "Interesting..." After about a few hours there was shouting from behind, "WE GOT THE SWORD AND CHAOS HEARTS!" Lance then said, "SWEET! GIVE THEM TO VEILIANDOR!" Savvy then said, "I have to wield that weapon? It looks ancient." Lance then nodded to her and said, "Indeed, you must, it's your fate my dear, you will achieve your goal and I know you are able to save this land from a disaster." Savvy then jumped off the barracks and soon the knights came by to where the two were talking. The one knight said, "Savvy, go see Veiliandor she needs to have a word with you. Same to you Lance you will go once she is done talking to Savvy" . 

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