Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated this in a while.
Another year of high school. Here we go. I thought to myself as I took a deep breath and stepped onto the school bus for my first day of sophomore year. Oh what joy, I noticed the bus seat I sat in last year was open and snagged it. I wonder who will 'break my heart' this year. I chuckled to myself at that silly thought. I myself wasn't too worried about coming home with my heart ripped from my chest like a lot of girls were. I had just shrugged off my first relationship. It really didn't even feel like a real relationship to me, and freshmen year felt like a life time ago. Even though it had only been a year. Summer was filled with me hanging out at my grandparents house along with my younger cousin, going swimming and playing video games. Staying up all night and getting on the internet. Though the internet wasn't something I had very often. I was one of those people who still lived in a household with shitty dial up internet and a computer that was more shaped like a box than anything. And my only other source of internet came from my cell phone, which I had sadly lost over the summer. So that was out of the question. Ah, the good ole days.
So, I got to school and looked at my schedule and tried to figure out where my first class was English again. I smiled. Good, something I was good at and something I enjoyed quite a lot. Now if only I could find my classroom. I asked around, talking to different teachers until one of them pointed me in the right direction. I thanked them and headed to class.
My friend Logan and my friend Jim was also in first period English. At least I knew some people in there. I took a seat near the two, even though I knew the teacher would give us assigned seats in alphabetical order. Something about it helped them learn our names easier.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hey Lily," Jim smiled. "Have a good summer?"
"Yeah. Same old, same old." I laughed and shrugged.
"Yeah." He agreed.
"Not that great of a summer either, huh?" I chuckled.
Jim shook his head and grinned. "Nah, I missed school too much."
I stared at him as though he had just announced he had become a millionaire. "You're joking."
He shook his head. "No, I missed hanging out with friends."
"Ah." I could understand that. We all fell silent as the bell rung and class began. The teacher introduced herself and all of that stuff and then had us all tell who we were and then we were arranged in assigned seats. I saw that coming.
Romance~NOTE: NO LONGER UPDATED, THIS WAS SOMETHING I WROTE IN HIGH SCHOOL AND IS JUST HERE TO REMIND ME OF MY IMPROVEMENTS~ The story of Lily Summons, a girl just starting high school. She isn't very excited about this new experience, but goes in head str...