chapter 6

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After a week of espressos, candy, and slight mental breakdowns, Saturday had finally arrived

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After a week of espressos, candy, and slight mental breakdowns, Saturday had finally arrived. Declared the house day of rest after the week we all had, this Saturday was sacred. Brook planned the whole day to "cleanse our auras," as she put it.

Though perhaps the most obsessive compulsive of the four of us, Brook was still the last out of bed that morning.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Major mused, offering her a strip of bacon.

She looked between the bacon and him, nose scrunched and eyes narrowed. "Coffee," she ground out, pushing past him to the Keurig.

"What a ball of sunshine," he snorted, nudging me with his elbow. "Your best friend, so you handle her."

"Rye's girlfriend!" I held my finger to my nose, smiling when Rye flopped over the side of the couch at the sound of his name.

"What about Brook?" Rye asked before noticing her huddled in the corner of the kitchen with a giant mug snuggled to her chest. "Hey, baby, you're finally up."

Brook only glared at him. 

There was no one anti-morning more than our Brook, and it was a running joke in the house.

I nudged Major, pointing to the plate of bacon he was guarding. "Sharing is caring."

"But I don't care." He took a bite of the strip he was holding, smirking.

Wiggling around him, I grabbed the plate and scurried into the living room before he could react. I sat on the couch beside Rye, legs tucked under my body.

". . . small percentage of people are actually subscribed—"

"What are you watching?"

Rye paused the video, glancing over with that enchanting smile of his. "This is Dream!"

I lifted an eyebrow at the paused frame showing a green Minecraft character and one other person. "Google wasn't lying."

"Watch with me." Bouncing in place, Rye started rewinding to the beginning.

"Aren't we supposed to be productive today?" Major asked, leaning against the island. "I don't think YouTube fits that. Brook, any help here?"

She poked her head into the living room, a wild look in her eyes. "No YouTube! I've had coffee and now, I'm ready to show all of you what fun looks like."

Rye shot her a pouty look. "After this video?"

Brook pursed her lips, running a hand through her tangled hair. "You have until I'm done getting dressed."

"So, an hour?" he chuckled, bumping my shoulder.

I covered my cheeks with my hands, slumping into the cushions to hide from Major's disapproving gaze.

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