chapter 24

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I woke up Saturday morning hanging off my bed with a scarf wrapped around my head

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I woke up Saturday morning hanging off my bed with a scarf wrapped around my head. After a week of everything exam-related, Melody made good on her promise and took me out for dinner. Naturally, that was followed up by drinks at our favorite bar.

Groaning, I blinked at the bright light peering through the window, a headache forming already.

When I noticed the time, I let my body hang again, not wanting to move. Five more minutes echoed in my head, lulling me back to sleep.

Then the door swung open, slamming against the wall. "Nalani, why does the living room smell like dog pee?"

Startled, I tumbled to the floor.

"Looks like someone had a fun night," my mom chuckled, kneeling beside me.

Lifting my head, I glared at her. "Why are you here? You said you were coming on Tuesday."

"Too bad, I'm here now. From the looks of it, just in time."

"What?" I let my head drop against the floor again.

"I felt the tension down the street," she said, rubbing my back.

I groaned into the carpet. "A lot has happened in a week."

"Give me the SparkNotes."

I rolled over, reluctantly looking at her. "Brook and Rye are on the outs again, and Rye thinks he likes me."

My mom nodded. If she was surprised, she didn't show it. "Great time to visit, huh?"

"The best," I replied sarcastically, closing my eyes.

"And Major?"

"Works to avoid it all."

"Smart boy."

I laughed.

"And how's your spark?"

I rolled my lip into my mouth, hiding a smile. "He's good."

She hummed, then slapped my exposed stomach. "Get in the shower. You smell like a brewery."

Her words of wisdom carried me off the floor and into the bathroom for a late start to the day.

I heard her shout at me from my bedroom, something about needing an energy cleanse. Since she arrived early, the house had an extra three days with Julie Roswell, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

As expected, during the next week of graduation preparation, my mom bordered on the line between helpful and chaotic. She'd do the house's laundry, then rearrange the living room because she was bored.

Major loved having her around. Of course, he was her favorite and could do no wrong in her eyes. The rest of us couldn't wait for Friday.

The morning of graduation, the dynamic duo blocked off the kitchen and refused to let anyone through. They claimed it was for a "special graduation breakfast," but there was more laughter than cooking.

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