chapter 17

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The front door creaked open, the sound drawing three different degrees of attention

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The front door creaked open, the sound drawing three different degrees of attention. My head whipped over as I stood up, completely disregarding my homework. Rye's head poked around the corner from the living room, his show paused on the big screen. Brook hardly moved, her fingers tapping against her phone.

With the open floor plan, I could see the slight panic on Rye's face, and I was sure mine matched.

"Good to know what will happen if someone breaks in," Major laughed, stepping into the house and dripping water on the front mat.

I sat down at the table again, shaking my head at him. "I would've gone for the knives."

"Yeah, right," he said, locking the door behind him.

"I knew it was you the whole time!" Rye shouted, settling back onto the sofa.

"No, you didn't, dimwit."

Brook's eyes flit up for a second. "You look like a wet dog."

Major shot her a glare, shrugging off his soaked suit jacket. "Thanks."

As he walked past the kitchen to the hallway closet, Brook's nose scrunched, her face turning a light shade of green. "You smell like one, too."

"Shut up, will you? It was the rain." he grumbled, one hand patting his messy hair. "And there's no way you can smell it."

I giggled into my coffee when she shrugged. "Even Nemo wouldn't go out there. It's pouring!"

As if on cue, Nemo popped up from Rye's lap and darted over to Major. He whimpered as he pawed at Major's legs.

Major waved him off, grabbing a towel from the shelf. "I didn't exactly have a choice, okay?"

"The walk up the driveway did that?" Brook asked.

"No, the walk to the parking garage from the office did."

"You didn't bring an umbrella?" Brook's tone screamed 'what an idiot'.

Major, with the towel wrapped around his head, walked up to the kitchen table. "No, Brooklin, I obviously didn't."

Brook stirred beside me, arms crossed over her chest as she looked at Major.

"Wait, did you get off early, bro?" Rye interrupted. "It's only four."

"Yeah, I did," Major replied, breaking Brook's gaze and sitting on the other side of me. "But I have to stay late tomorrow because of it."

"That sucks." Rye's sympathy was undercut by the loud crunch of a Doritos bag.

"You're telling me." Major slouched in his chair, ignoring his own rules on proper posture. "I'm exhausted . . ."

"I am, too," I sighed. "Classes are picking up again. I swear, the professors want me to die."

Major smiled, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. "Ah, college. Good times."

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