chapter 10

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"I'm going to pass out until Sunday

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"I'm going to pass out until Sunday. Goodnight!" I flopped on the couch headfirst, earning a laugh from Brook.

"Have fun with that. Some of us have to work on weekends."

I spun around to look at her, glaring through the mess of hair covering my face. "I work on weekends, too!"

Brook smiled, pouring a glass of wine. "Want any?"

I shook my head, pressing my face back into the cushions. "Sleep . . ."

The second my eyes shut, my phone buzzed somewhere beside me.

I furiously pawed around until I found it buried in the cushions, scrambling to unlock it and open the Twitter notification.

"Thought you were tired?" Brook mused, sitting on the armrest with her glass in hand.

I waved her off, eyes glued to my screen. "In a minute."

"Who's the boy?"

"What?" My eyes flicked up to meet her curious gaze. "There's no boy . . ."

"Nalani Roswell, you have the same goofy smile on your face that you give mac and cheese. Tell me right now or I will confiscate the phone."

All I could give her was a blank stare.

Eyes narrowed, she swiped my phone from my hands, holding it above her head with her glass.

I practically tackled her, wriggling the phone from her surprisingly strong grasp and slipping it down my shirt. "Now what?"

Brook smirked, setting her wine on the coffee table. "Like that's stopped me before."

I gulped, barely registering her words before she dove on top of me. Being smaller than her in every way, she managed to wrestle the phone from me and pin me down at the same time.

Sitting on top of me, she ignored my swinging arms and said, "I see two new notifications from . . . Who the hell is Dream?"

"No one!"

"Doesn't seem like no one to me." Brook unlocked my phone with her thumb then started scrolling. "Definitely someone! How long have you been talking to this guy, Nini?"

"None of your business!" I finally kicked her off me and swiped my phone back. "I'm taking your fingerprint off now."

"You're really not going to tell me?" She crossed her arms and pouted from the opposite end of the couch.

"Do I need to?"

"Since it's the first guy in a year, uhh, yeah."

I shivered at the reminder of the last guy she and I talked about.

"He's nobody, okay? Someone I met because of Rye."

"Because of Rye on campus or Twitch?"

Rye's name was big on campus because of the parties he threw as a student and the parties he supplied with alcohol as a graduate.

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