chapter 18

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"Happy birthday, Lani!"

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"Happy birthday, Lani!"

I pulled my earbuds out, but I could still hear my friends' excited screams. "Thanks, guys . . ."

On cue, the credits to Meet the Robinsons rolled, "Little Wonders" playing sweetly in the background.

"I told you I timed it right, Sapnap!"

"Yeah, yeah, shut up."

I giggled, shifting my laptop off me and onto the bed. "One minute over, though."

"That's still close!" Bad whined. "I'll do better next year."

"No, I'm in charge next year. Like hell I'm gonna let you make another list with waxing on it," Sapnap said.

"Next year?" I wondered aloud, then covered my face in embarrassment when they both laughed.

"Of course, muffinhead. We wouldn't just up and leave yo—Oh! I have to show you something!" Bad rustled around his room for a bit before returning to his mic. "Sorry, I put it in a secret place."


"Just wait," Sapnap chuckled.

"Sapnap, video or picture?"

"I dunno. You can show here first then take a picture of the thing."

"What are you two up to?" I asked, but it fell on deaf ears.

Bad's camera flicked on in the discord call, revealing a dark-haired boy in glasses and Christmas pajamas. "Okay so . . ." He lifted a journal into the frame, opening it to show an entire page dedicated to me.

"Bad . . ."

"Look!" he squealed, scooting forward so the page took up the whole frame.

My name was printed across the top, adorned with colorful flowers and sparkles. Vines trailed down the sides, dotted with little leaves. In the middle was a folded card with "happy birthday" written on it.

"Is that supposed to be my birthday card?" I asked, my heart melting at the detail and effort he put into it.

Bad's face popped in again, a wide smile spread across it. He nodded quickly, practically dancing in his chair. "Ready to see the inside?"


His camera shut off again while he giggled.

sent a photo

I tapped the picture so it fit my phone screen. The inside of the card was beautiful, decorated with a mix of seashells and glitter. In the center sat a short handwritten paragraph:

Dear Lani,

    Happy birthday, you muffin! Another year your kind heart and beautiful self grace this earth. I wish I could say I've known you for most of those years, but sadly I can't. I met you not too long ago, but it feels like years and years. You have this way of making people feel comfortable around you and want to tell you their life stories. I know that's true because Nick and Clay agree. The three of us love you so much and hope we keep you for a long time. Especially me, since I'm your favorite :) Anyway, happy birthday again. Thank you for being my friend and biggest cheerleader <3

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