chapter 19

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Every year on my birthday, Brook threw the most extravagant party on the block

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Every year on my birthday, Brook threw the most extravagant party on the block. The best music, the cutest outfits, the hottest guys — and none of it was for me. It was for everyone in the world but me.

So, while our house bustled with people I didn't know, I hid in the laundry room with Nemo and YouTube.

I lasted exactly thirty-two minutes on the front lines before Brook's airheaded friends got to me.

They shoved drink after drink in my face, their backhanded compliments disguised by fake giggles.

I snuck away after their fourth round of shots, too drunk to notice or pretend to care.

Not even Brook.

Rye was hiding out, too. He and his frat boys from college claimed the garage, along with its old gaming system and foosball table.

I was safest in the laundry room, the one place even shit-faced drunks wouldn't go.

I firmly believed that until the door started opening halfway through an old Dream video.

"Hey, you," Major chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. "Thought I'd find you here."

His tie hung loosely around his neck, his suit jacket tossed over his shoulder. The amusement in his smile brightened the dark circles under his eyes.

"I promise it's not what you're thinking." I set my phone to the side, resting my hands on the sleeping furball in my lap. "I just—I couldn't be out there anymore. Any other day, I can handle Brook and the Barbies, but not today."

"You okay, Nini?"

I shrugged, stroking Nemo's head. He stirred, jutting his head into my hand in his sleep.

"Well, you think presents could cheer you up?"

"Depends," I said, looking over at him. "Are they from real friends or the people out there?"

Major smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Uhh, there's at least two real ones. Is that enough?"

"From who?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know you're obviously one, but who else?"

"Come find out." He winked, then turned and pulled the door shut.

Silence fell over my safe haven, inviting and peaceful. The rhythmic vibrations of Nemo's snores were almost enough to keep me put. I wanted to escape back into my bubble and forget.

I wanted to forget that on a practically perfect birthday, I couldn't stop thinking about someone who couldn't spare a text.

Eventually, I did return to the party. Several texts from Major about opening my presents for me were plenty encouraging.

With Nemo glued to my heels, I entered the living room. A mess of people I hardly knew were waiting for me, gathered in a circle around a single chair.

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