chapter 13

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By the fourth hour of studying, I wanted to throw my laptop out the window

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By the fourth hour of studying, I wanted to throw my laptop out the window.

I barely glanced in the mirror and noticed the dark circles, unruly hair, and bloodshot eyes. I grimaced, looking between my laptop and my bed. It was only eight at night, but the soft comforter was calling to me.

But any ideas about sleeping early vanished when Brook barged in my room.

"I'm so done," she huffed, sitting on the fuzzy carpet at the foot of the bed.

I closed my laptop, swiveling in my chair to face her. "What happened?"

"I can't get away from pervs!"

My eyes widened. "Did some guy try—?"

"This group of baseball players—they had to be, they were so douchey—came in and one started hitting on me! I had to play nice and check them in without threatening to deck him!"

I rested my chin in my hand, watching her face turn red.

"It was so demeaning. I thought working there would be better."

I thought better of trying to argue with her; it never ended well.

"Plus, the real kicker here, I think a different guy recognized me! He looked a little younger, so he's probably in your year or one under." She pursed her glossed lips, eyes narrowed. "I bet he was on the team with Major."

I didn't bother correcting her about her timeline. Major didn't play on the school team his last year because of his internship with the company he worked for now.

At the hour mark, and three different angry stories later, I felt my phone buzz on my thigh. I smiled slightly at the possibility of who it could be, but quickly covered it with my hand.

Brook didn't notice. She was halfway through acting out her "offensive" interaction with a Target employee earlier in the day.

Rye burst in next, interrupting Brook mid-sentence — a blessing because she'd reached cussing-every-other-word level.

"Why are you on the floor?" he asked his girlfriend, his curls flopping as he tilted his head.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "It's my time with Lani. Get out!"

"I need her to help me stream!"

"She can pretend to be your girlfriend later!"

Rye flushed red. "You know about that?"

"I know everything," she sneered, turning her back to him.

I stared at the two, my remaining two brain cells struggling to connect the dots. "Are you two okay?"

"Peachy," Brook answered first, shooting Rye a look that made him stumble.

"I'll be in the office, Lani," he whispered, ducking out before Brook could grab the slippers beside her.

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