Chapter 44- Switched At Birth? ☁ ∞

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It's weird. My life is so wonderful, yet so horrible at the same time. I am a teen mom, and i have a wonderful family. One of my best friends and my baby died. I have everything, and i have nothing. I havent come out of my room in weeks. I just sit there, not moving. I just want to die. I want to be with Tori. I havent eaten in so long, i forgot what food tases like. I almost started cutting. What happened to me?

Ed wrote a song about me. Its called Small Bump. All i do is sit in my room, and listen to it on repeat. Paparazzi walk by my room and take pictures. I dont care. I am too depressed to move. I think i forgot how to talk. I havent spoken to anybody scince the hospital. Not even Lou. He wants me to see a therapist, but i just dont respond to him. I need a reality check. I need something to happen to snap me back into reality. I think i have gotten some visitors, but i dont notice.

I just stare at the ultrasound pictue of Victoria. I want her back. I dont ever want to move. I just want to have her back. My phone rang so many times, i couldnt count. I just ignore the world. I cant deal with loss. It has never happened with anybody close to me before. I have never had anybody die before. And now, my baby? Out of everybody, It had to be my baby.

I feel like i have failed as a mother. I feel like it was my fault that she died. i feel like i killed her. I dont want to see Scarlett, because she reminds me too much of Victoria. Louis has been trying to tell me something for weeks now, but i just ignore him. I ignore everybody. he brings in Scarlett alot, and it also lookes like he has Victoria, but that is just a hallucination. Maybe if I eat, the horrible hallucinations will stop. I got up for the first time in three weeks. When i stood up, i was wobbly, but then i made it to the kitchen. Louis looked like he was holding two babies. The hallucinations have to stop. I started crying again.

"Arden? Why are you crying?" Louis asked, worried

I keep hallucinating! I just want it to stop! I keep seeing her!

"That is because she is alive!" he said

"What?" i asked. Is this a dream?

"The doctor called, an hour after we got home. The name tags were switched in the incubator, and they thought someone else's baby was ours. Tori is alive" he said

I started crying again, But this time they were happy tears. My baby is alive! I cant believe it! I ran over to her, picking her up. 

"Tori, u scared me" i cooed i kissed her little pink head.

I didnt put her down, ever. 

Even to eat, i never put her down.

I missed her so much. I wish i had listened to Louis. 

Apparently he had told me multiple times. 

I am so happy, My wish came true. 

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