Epilogue/ Love of my Life

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Epilogue because I love this story so much I felt it was too short <3

Your wedding day. The day you were marrying Lucy Boynton, your amazing fiancée. The love of your life. "Joe I'm really nervous." You told Joe Mazzello as you said getting your dress on. "It's gonna be alright Y/N, as you said she is the love of your life." He told you calming you down. "You are right, Nothing to be afraid of." You took a breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. "You look beautiful Y/N." Joe told you.

You were waiting at the alter for Lucy, a beautiful outdoor wedding with flowers everywhere in a hidden garden. (Kinda cottagecore vibe.) "Where is she?" You asked Ben standing beside you. "Don't worry Y/N, you and Lucy have been waiting for this she wouldn't back out now." Ben said. Suddenly you saw her in a beautiful white flowy dress with her short blond hair braid with flowers and her beautiful smile. She looked like a goddess. You could feel your eyes tear up. You weren't usually a crier but it was Lucy. She smiled when she saw you. Joe gave her away. "I'm so happy for you both." He told the both of you.

Lucy had said her vows and it was now your turn.
Your vows:
The day I meet you I knew something had changed inside me. Everytime I saw you it made my heart flutter. I cherished all those moments even the little ones, like the first time you called me beautiful. I usually rubbed it off when others said it but when you said it, I believed it, because you said it. When Joe introduced me my heart skipped a beat. I had never been in-love before, even when I forced it, but with you I knew what it felt like, how to understand it. I love you Lucy like no one else in the world I can't explain it. You're a goddess to me. A true angel, a work of art. I'm saying it again, you're the love of my life.

Lucy's eyes filled up with tears. "Y/N..." Lucy smiled. "You May now kiss the bride." And You kissed Lucy like never before. With passion, love and affection. You even saw Joe tearing up. "Joe Mazzello crying?" You broke the kiss. "No! I got the sun in my eyes." Joe joked.

It was now you and Lucy's time to dance. The song you danced to was "Love of my life." "Y/N Boynton. I love you and your vows, I've never got such love form someone." She said. "I mean every word." You told her.

That truly was only the start of the best days of your life.

Hi everyone! Hoped you enjoyed the final ending. I've created a playlist on Spotify of songs that reminded me of Lucy! My user is rogersbae.
Bye everyone and thank you for reading this book, I loved making it. - Aubrey <3

Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3QPfijtYOGswfNnTHD4kzH?si=LeHFbDApSEyCn2hYUjl7rg&dl_branch=1

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