What a Dream

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Valentine's POV

Groaning I rubbed my neck, touching something wet I jumped up out of bed with a start.
Glancing down. It was a lot of sweat, I never sweat this much. Sighing in relief, I thought it would've been blood or something.

Crawling back into bed, I let myself unfocus on everything around me.
Why was I even sweating so much? It didn't make any sense.

SsssValentinesssS  ssshe's heresss ssshe's backsss

Shaking my head, I tried to wake myself up.

There was a snake. A huge gigantic snake all coiled around this man, suffocating him, grinding his bones killing him.
I felt as though I was seeing everything through someone else's eyes.

I let my eyes flutter around, it was an old building. I think I recognize it.
It was near the school. I remembered because Draco told me many stories as to how it's been so haunted.

But then just as fast as lightening, the entire building seemed to warp together. And the snake, and two other figures contorted nastily. Feeling myself being pulled into some other dimension, I tried not to resist, that only caused a dull ache. The feeling was similar to travelling by portkey. It's very disorienting.

I was desperate to see what in the world my brain so cleverly came up with, after all this wasn't real. It couldn't possibly be.

Looking at the new scene before me, I realized it was a graveyard.
There was a lot of commotion but it wasn't clear to me. It was all blurry, as if someone wanted me to know something but wasn't showing me directly.
All I could see was something being dumped in a tub of some sorts.
Then pale hands gripped the edges and slowly revealed themselves.

The entire figure was once again blurry but I must applaud my brain for coming up with such creative themes.
Once again I saw the snake, the unusallly large snake.
Maybe if I can talk to it? I mean it is my subconscious after all, probably can't hurt me.

"Hey did you know I can speak parseltongue?" Almost face palming at my idiotic question, I didn't know what else to ask though.
It's a literal figment of my imagination. Merlin knows why I'm even trying to interact with such a creature.

"You can understand me?" The huge snake pulled her face back.
Nodding, I smiled at her.
Sitting on the graveyards grass, my smile got even wider when the snake's body slithered and rolled right next to mine.

This is so weird. Everything is so fuzzy but at the same time so clear.

"What's your name?" Trying to be as polite as possible, I grinned.
Even though this is definitely a dream and she's obviously not real, I still wouldn't want to offend the poor thing. She had a sad aura around her.


"That's a pretty name, mine's Valentine but everyone calls me Val" I sadly smiled.
Looking at the scene still in progress further ahead of us I wondered what was happening.

"You have a good soul"
Glancing at her with a strange look on my face, I just nodded and smiled.

I have no idea what compelled me to say this but I asked a question that had been bugging since the beginning of this very unusual dream.

"This is a dream right? I mean everything feels so real"
Cocking her head to the side, Nagini didn't answer.

What else could it be other than a very intriguing dream?

"Everything is not as it seems. For instance I didn't expect your heart to be so pure and void of evil."

Raising an eyebrow. Me? Pure at heart? Yeah sure. 

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