Lies, Lies and More Lies

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Valentine's POV

"You're not focusing" Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I continued to block him my best.

"I can enter your mind at ease, you need to be more prepared"

Staring at him, I remembered what he said at the beginning of the lesson. Imagine a brick wall surrounding your mind, now imagine someone with a sledgehammer attacking it. Straining I maintained eye contact.
Professor Snape pushed harder than he ever did against my mental barriers. It actually felt like someone was hammering at my mind.

Holding my head in my hands, I held out for much more longer than I did last time or at least tried to. It was really difficult going up against someone as experienced as Snape was. The whole experience in itself was rather painful.
Graining in agony and frustration, I broke away and told him to stop.

"At this rate, you won't be of much help in any situation, Ms. Hargreeves." Now that motivated me a whole lot more, wiping the sweat from my brows. I calmed my breathing.
"Let's try again" Determination leaking it's way into my voice. Not arguing for once , Snape nodded and was at the ready.

This time I did show a bit more resistance to his mind intrusion. It did help that I was practicing for a while on my own. Obviously I needed to practice more, because if it came down to it, I'm sure the starter of this oncoming war is more powerful than Professor Snape. And if I can't beat him, well I'm doomed.
But we can't have that. I can't lose to him because if I do. I lose all my friends, my family. Everything I know and have come to love will be in ruins. And that can't happen. Not when I have the power to do something about it. I just have to get a handle on how to actually use this power.

Pushing my self to the limits, I tried to calm my breathing. The more calm I was the more I could focus at the task at hand. And that was beating professor Snape at his own game. Barely able to resist his entry, Professor stopped. Looking at him questioningly, I mentally prepared myself for his commentary.

"That was better than the last. You're slowly getting better I suppose. We're done for today" turning his back, I almost let out a squeal.
For once he didn't tell me I was outrightly just awful. For weeks now we've been 'training', and this is one in a million times he's ever explicitly said I'm getting better. Grinning, I happily skipped my way to have breakfast.

Getting some toast, I sat down with Pans and Draco. Nodding at both of them as a sign of greeting, I immediately started eating. Draco and Pansy both fell into light conversation where I sometimes gave a response but I instinctively kept looking over at the Gryffindor table.

Raising my eyebrows in surprise, I saw Fred with his arm around Luna as they both laughed at something. A small smile crept it's way onto my face. I so knew it, not to mention they look absolutely adorable together. I mean who wouldn't love Lu?

Feeling someone kiss me on the hand, had me full on grinning as I looked up. George was exceptionally affectionate after what occurred last few weeks. We've been spending almost every night together so I wouldn't expect less. Staring at him as walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to his brother, I couldn't help but admire him.

Who would've known me of all the slytherins fall in love with a weasley? Smiling to myself I keep on eating my toast.
"And what are you smiling about?" Draco asked confusingly.
Shaking my head, I replied with. "Nothing important Dracs"

On the way to class, Pansy pulled me aside.
"Something's up with you" she suspiciously said. Raising both my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked in a laughable tone.
"Something did happen a few weeks ago, I can tell. It's like you're on cloud nine all the time from the expressions on your face" narrowing her eyes on me. I avoided eye contact.

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