Nazis club?

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Valentine's POV
(Sexual content warning)

"I'll give you one shot at this. Tell me the absolute truth or lie to me and I swear to merlin I'll know and I'm done" Folding my arms I gave George a harsh glare.

"I truly did get caught up on making a product with Fred. I promise. You can even ask him" George pleaded with those big beautiful eyes.
Sighing I let my head slightly fall before pulling him into a hug.
He wasn't lying to me, I knew.

"Just...don't do it again. I waited a while for you" I said in a small voice.
"I'm so sorry. I promise it won't happen again."
Like I haven't heard that before. I wasn't being fair though, I mean he was working with Fred on their products. He has dreams of his own. He deserves more of a supporting girlfriend.

"Don't you have class?" I questioned looking up at him.
"Nope I'd rather stay here with you" he smiled down. Laughing, I realized he was actually serious.
"Come on Georgie go to class." I smiled.

Kissing my head, he mentioned he'll see me later.
"Oh and George?" I called. He looked back at me expectantly. "I love you" I grinned.
Running back, George pulled me in for a kiss. It was short and sweet. Leaning back he whispered. "That's the first time you've ever said that"
My cheeks turned rosy red under his dazed gaze.
"I love you too" once again kissing my forehead. He headed to the door. Glancing back my way and sending air kisses. Laughing, I pretended to catch them all keeping them close to my heart.

He truly was the best.

Eventually students started to filter into the classroom, Draco sat next to me.
"What's with the grin?" He asked smiling. "Oh you know, lovebirds this...lovebirds that" I laughed quietly.
Scrunching his face, I think he got the hint.

"Oh and by the way, I got something for us to do at the end of our lessons"
Looking at him, I gave him my best look of question. He simply shrugged and winked.
Merlin knows what that boy is up to. Focusing on the Professor, I zoned in on what he was saying.

"Are you ready?" Draco grinned. "You're not heading me of to war are you? Because you look creepy when you smile" I commented suspiciously.

"Agreed" Pansy chimed in.

Right now we are headed towards a room, a room I didn't recognize. Upon entering, I see most of our comrades from the Slytherin house. I wonder what's all this about.
Filtwick and Umbridge was also there, smiling brightly as always. That woman annoyed me to the brink.
"Yes as you are all here we shall commence"
Raising an eyebrow at Umbridge, I was confused. Commence what?
Seeing everyone else nod in unionism, including Draco and Pansy, I observed from the north wall.
"We will all be joining a club, voluntary of course as you all know"

Well clearly I didn't.
"So setting aside all other formalities, let us begin the induction process. Which will simply be the acceptance of a medal that states you are apart of this club. As you are now all proud members"
What the bloody hell? I didn't sign up for this.

Seeing Umbrige settle a bronze medal with a blue strap around everyone's neck had me concerned. I was next.
"Come on now Ms. Hargreeves" she said oh so sugary sweet. Yeah I wasn't buying it. This was probably a club where all the slytherins get special privilege and availability to bully the other houses.

Rolling my eyes, I refused to accept anything she had to offer. Which, by calculation, wasn't much.

"And why it that? May I ask?" Now she was fully grinning to the point where it looked creepy and frankly had me concerned.
"No you may not Ms. Umbridge" mocking her name the way she said mine probably wasn't one of my brightest idea but I wasn't about to join any nazis club. I can't believe Draco brought me here.
Catching his eye within the many slytherins. I shook my head and left. I expected better.

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