Bad luck always follows

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Valentine's POV

"Okay so here it says that the power has always been passed down through generations- Anyone you know had the heir of Slytherin's power before you?"
Draco asked cocking his head to the side.

I shook my head.
"My only blood relative left is my aunt and she's a squib"
"That doesn't make any sense" he muttered to himself.

"Pans what do you have so far?"
All I got in response was a hmmhmhm.

Today we decided to start doing research into how to control this power. But we've hit a brick wall.
I told them everything that happened with the snake Nagini and my entire dream. If I can't trust my own friends why do I even have them?

"What are you guys doing?"

I jumped up into a sitting position coming face to face with the so called 'golden trio'.

"That's none of your business" Pansy rudely answered.
I almost smiled in satisfaction.
"We were just passing and saw you guys going through some of the oldest books in Hogwarts- we were curious"

"Don't you have anything better to do than spy on us, Potter?"

Pursing my lips, I said nothing but watched the exchange happen.

Looking up from the book, I saw Harry with an expected look on his face.

Giving him a questioning stare.

"Can we talk to you?" Hermione chimed in.
"Uhm no?" I didn't want to talk to them now or never. I guess I just never liked them in the sense that they've made it pretty clear that we slytherins are at the bottom of the barrel, in their eyes that is

"Please, just for a second"
Harry pleaded.

Sighing I glanced at Draco who nodded at me. Rolling my eyes, I closed the book in my hands- Creation of Hogwarts volume 3- shut.

"Let's go"

I walked to a secluded corner of the library and sat down. Looking at them expectedly I raised my eyebrow when no one said a thing.

"We-well I- wanted to talk to you about something important"

"Obviously or you wouldn't dare talk to a slytherin in public, now would you?"
At that they were stunned.

"Look I'm not here to chit chat so if you can hurry up and tell me why we are here, then I'd be most grateful"
I smiled sarcastically.

Clearing his throat, Harry started to spew whatever he could.

"Since we've returned to Hogwarts, since Cedric's death have you uhm have you heard any whisperings or had any vivid dreams that seem a bit too real? Almost like a vision?"

The hairs on my arm stood straight listening to him. That sounded exactly like what I experienced. But when have I ever trusted someone I didn't know?

I shook my head no.
"Why would I even hear of such things Harry?"
The topic did interest me, however they were holding me back from doing the research I so desperately need.

"Because you speak parseltongue just like me"
Whispering to me, I looked at him with wide eyes.
He told Hermione and Ron??
Of course he would.

"Just because I speak parseltongue doesn't mean I hear things Harry. Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do"
I sauntered my way over to Draco and Pansy.

Did Harry have the same dream as I did? If so then this just keeps getting even more creepier.

"Hey Val I think I found something interesting"
Coming over to Draco I looked over his shoulder into the book he was skimming through.

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