Being the best chaser

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Valentine's POV

The following first week was the same boring routine. Except for the fact that some "chamber of secrets" was opened but I'm sure the teachers have that covered. I personally think it's just some stupid prank. But I'm focusing on a much bigger target this year. The Quidditch Cup.

Yes I joined the team. Thanks to Mr.Malfoy of course. I'll definitely make sure he doesn't regret his decision. Anyways today we're off to practice, Draco became the new seeker too so I don't have to worry about that awkward new feeling you get when you're the only new person at something.
"Come on Val" Adrian called. "We got to get some practice in you" he ruffled my hair. I smiled thinking about today, how it would feel to ride a broom, I bet it's bloody amazing!

I walked outside with Draco and Adrian by my side, feeling more confident that I have felt in a while. But we saw the Gryffindors coming out to practice as well, this meant trouble. I subtly felt my wand in my Quidditch uniform practice, I didn't wanna hex anyone today I kept it just for safety.
I dragged my eyes to the ground avoiding eye contact with George, I still couldn't face him.

"Where you going, Flint?" Oliver asked. Please don't start any trouble. He's my friend and I didn't wanna chose any side. Although it's obvious I'd pick my family.
"To practice, I've got a note" Flint said in a hard voice.

"I, Professor Snape hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new seeker and beater" Oliver read.
"You've got a new seeker and beater? Who?"

"Malfoy and Valentine" Harry stated. I looked up at everyone and nodded. My gaze got caught with George, for some reason I just couldn't look away. He gave me a hard look, but it softened a bit when he fully took in my face. It's like we were in a trance and everyone else seemed to just slip away from reality.
"Those are Nimbus 2001's, how did you get those?" The trance broke between me and him, when Ron asked that.

Damn it he has a girlfriend. I should stay away.

"A gift from Draco's father"
Wow even I didn't know he contributed so much.

"You see Weasley, unlike some my father can afford the best"
I almost interrupted when Hermione butted in.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent"
I wanted to say something but we insulted her first. An insult for an insult I guess. But Draco wasn't taking it so easily.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood"
I gasped outraged, he did NOT.
"Draco Malfoy, you do NOT ever call someone that" I yelled at him. I wasn't  defending anyone, but that's one thing I absolutely will not tolerate.

"You'll pay for that Malfoy" I pulled out my wand same time as Ron did.
"Eat slugs" he yelled. "Reflecto" I said back. And the spell backfired. Even with his broken wand, it seemed that the spell was barreling towards Draco.
"I-i" I stuttered when people started to laugh at Weasley. I'm sorry.
I sneakily looked at George but how much did I regret it. He looks crossed. I don't think it's the fact that I backfired his brother's spell, it's the fact I defended Draco. Sigh. I'm sorry, I wanted to yell at him. But Adrian was already calling me to go practice.

I turned and ran to the Quidditch Team. Forget all about him, today's all about learning to be the best chaser hogwarts has ever seen. I think George's a beater tho ...merlin I'm hopeless.

"Val all you have to do is trust your broom" I nodded at Adrian. "You have to move quickly and fast as you can to get the quaffle through the opponent's hoops" seems easy enough "But there's also beaters to defend those hoops, you'll just have to be faster and put in more force" okayy "got it? Now let's play" I nodded hopping on my broom, ok broom I trust you not to drop me. I smiled when it started to float and get higher and higher. Woah this is so cool. Why didn't everyone play Quidditch?

"See you for the game today Val" Flint shoulder bumped me heading out to his classes. Today was amazing, so maybe what if I did almost fall to my death couple times, it was awesome. Even Adrian told me I'm a very fast learner and even well flyer. My only goal is to win this game today. But for now I have to head to Transfiguration class with Professor. McGonagall.

Professor was teaching us the spell of turning our pets into water goblets. I don't think fluffy would appreciate that very much. I giggled just thinking about that. But then Professor got side tracked and started to go on and on about the oh so mysterious 'Chamber of secrets' honestly I couldn't care less but McGonagall seemed very serious about it.

"It's time" Draco announced. I nodded getting up and grabbing my broom. I always had my wand with me, but I left it in the changing room. I didn't want it breaking. I shook my hands off to loosen the nerves. Me and the Slytherin team walked out into the pitch with our heads high. Woah it's such a different view from down here.

"Alright guys, you know your positions. Let's all try our best. Now. Go!" We parted ways to get into formation.

The game has started.

"Another goal for Slytherin"
I smirked before speeding off to find the other quaffle. So far I've gotten most points for our team. I'm just hoping Draco will find the snitch.
"They lead Gryffindor 90 to 30"
There's no way they'll beat us. I swerved around the corner, getting visual contact with one of the quaffles. I was gonna get another score with this one. I smiled steering my broom towards it. But someone crashed into me. On purpose. I felt my broom break from the amount of force that hit into me. I heard a happy yell. But I got so dizzy, I felt myself slipping slowly off my broom. Darkness invaded my vision but i tried to keep my eyes opened. But to no avail, I was falling to my death.

I felt myself thud to the ground harshly, most likely breaking a few bones. I gasped out in pain. Pain in my entire being, my leg definitely wasn't supposed to bend that way.
I was in a state of half conciousness I supoose. I heard another broom hit the ground, and it sounded like footsteps running towards me.

"Ahh" I cried out when I felt someone pick me up gently. I could feel the vibrations in their chest while they shouted. Whoever it was smelled so mouthwatering, like campfire and marshmallows. I caught glimpses of the hall as we passed, I could tell whoever the person was wanted to just full on run to the hospital wing but they didn't want to hurt me.

I felt so disfigured. I heard madam Pomfrey yelling to place me on the bed, she was shocked at how bad my injuries was. I grasped the hand of the person who brought me to the hospital wing. Desperately trying to open my eyes, "You're going be alright okay, you're gonna be fine" the person mumbled over and over again. I knew that voice. But who?

"George" his name fell from my lips unconsciously as the person grasped tightly onto my hand.
He is here.

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