3 | Café

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The grey clouds filled the skies. The wind is blowing outside, indicating it might rain in any time. It is a great time for me to grab a cup of warm coffee in the café nearby and plug in my earphones, listening to some chilling music while watching the view outside from the window. I really wanted to spend some time outside like this rather than staying at home and doing to same routine again and again.

A view of the street as some people walking by, some of them in a hurry while some are simply relaxed as I enjoy the scent of the steaming coffee on the table. I wrap the paper cup with both hands on the table, enjoying the warmth emitting to my hands. I glanced onto the phone screen on the table next to the cup, before moving my hands and tapping on the screen twice to turn it on. I click a random playlist I made before, and That's Okay by D.O. starts playing on my earphones.

A thud on my right startled me, causing my head to dart towards the source beside me. He seat himself on the chair next to me. He placed his cup on the table as I view his side profile. He is stunning, even with the mask covering most of his face. His eyes are focussed on his cup, shifting his mind elsewhere. I took a glance around the place and realized that some people are looking at me then at him, they have our attention. I wonder why, was he that loud?

I click the pause button then unplug both of the earphones off my ears, placing them on the table. "Taeyeon?" He softly murmured as he look at me. I gave him a questioning look, "Sorry, I think you mistaken me as someone."

"Oh I'm so sorry," he lower his head and avoided any eye contact in embarassment. I took a glance of him pulling his mask down to his chin for a second to sip on his drink then pull it up quickly again. I caught his face and I recognize it very well.

Byun Baekhyun.

Byun Baekhyun is sitting next to me and mistaken me as Taeyeon.

Kim Taeyeon? His ex? Perhaps.

I mentally screamed as my heart starts racing. I have no idea whether to escape or stay, but I eventually chose to stay so I wouldn't regret my decision afterwards. I fiddle my fingers with the earphones as I turn my head to look at him.

And I caught him turning his head at me as well. "Its getting dark outside," he started. "Hmm," I hummed in response, trying to stay calm. As I turn my head to look at the window, his eyes scanned on my face. I feel his gaze, causing my heart to fasten its pace.

"How's your day?" He asked. I hesitantly face him then look onto my cup of coffee. "It was fine, although nothing much happened. How about you?"

"It was great." I could tell that he smiled behind his mask.

He is talking to me right now? I am a stranger to him and now he is acting as if no one would recognize him, but nearly everyone has their eyes on him. What is going on? Am I hallucinating? Is this an illusion? Did I listen to him too often so I started hallucinating about him?

The sound of the rumbling thunders are heard throughout the place. I snap back to reality. The sky is grey and darker than before. The streets are nearly empty and birds are flying away to their nests.

I realized that I should be going otherwise the rain will start pouring, I don't have any umbrella with me. (That is very stupid of me) "I have to go now," I told him as my hand reach for my belongings on the table. "See you around I guess," I mumbled the last two words. I gave him a smile before leaving the seat. I finish the cup of coffee and discard it in the trashcan nearby. I head outside with my hand on my chest, still thinking on what just happened. But I am glad that I didn't misbehave or did anything embarassing.

I stood infront of the café, staring onto the grey sky. Water starts pouring from the sky. I sighed then I place my hands above my head, deciding to run myself home. The distance between my house from here isn't far, but I might get soaked first before I could even arrive there.

Without any more hesitance, I lift my foot to take my first step, then a hand on my shoulder stopped me. Consequently, I turn around to view the person. "Stay here, I'll go get an umbrella for you in my car," he urged. However, I declined.

"No thanks, I'll be fine," I flashed him a smile before running through the rain. His eyes watched me until I disappear from his sight, then he head to the parking lot all alone, still having curiosity in him.

Lost? (Byun Baekhyun x OC x Kim Taeyeon)Where stories live. Discover now